
He stopped using shampoo 7 years ago. He showed what his hair looks like today

He stopped using shampoo 7 years ago.  He showed what his hair looks like today

What happens if you stop washing your hair? Most of us probably have a vision of greasy hair, an unpleasant smell and a general deterioration of appearance at this point. The YouTuber, who gave up shampoo 7 years ago, assures that none of these things happen. What happened to his hair and scalp after years without shampoo? We are checking.

He stopped using shampoo 7 years ago.  He showed what his hair looks like today

He hasn’t used shampoo for 7 years

The man who runs the Garden of Aidan channel is a supporter of natural and ecological solutions. This is one of the reasons why he decided to stop washing his hair with shampoo.

Another argument for “yes” was the condition of his scalp. Huge scales of dandruff were literally falling in all directions, and the scalp was in a disastrous condition. At that time, the man had short hair.

He even posted a short video on his channel titled “The most flaky scalp in history!”, and his login is still FlakyScalp, i.e. Flaky Scalp.

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After seven years, Garden of Aidan presents another recording with the effects of an unusual treatment. For 7 years, the man only rinsed his head with cold water. The result may be surprising.

What happens when you stop using hair shampoo?

As she informs and shows in the video, she now wears a completely different hairstyle. She has long, wavy, healthy hair. He emphasizes that he no longer has any problems with dandruff. Moreover, he emphasized that washing your hair with cool water once a week allows you to get rid of excess sebum.

Thanks to this, sebum secretion gradually decreases, making the hair less greasy. According to the author of the channel, her hair also smells pleasant, even though she only washes it with water and only once a week. Unfortunately, this last statement cannot be verified online.