
Scalp care. How to care for your scalp?

Scalp care.  How to care for your scalp?

Scalp care is an extremely important aspect of beauty care. However, we often skip this stage. Meanwhile, the condition of the scalp – the scalp – has a decisive impact on the appearance of the hairstyle, which is an important element of our appearance. Balanced scalp care tailored to its needs will result in nourished bulbs from which healthy hair can grow.

Scalp care.  How to care for your scalp?


  • Care for sensitive and dry scalp
  • Care for oily scalp
  • Scalp care and dandruff
  • Scalp care and hair washing
  • Scalp care: massaging the scalp and rubbing in
  • Scalp care: brushing your hair
  • Scalp care, styling and hairstyles
  • Scalp care: regular cleansing
  • Care for sensitive and dry scalp

    Caring for a dry, sensitive scalp requires constant moisturizing, soothing irritations and minimizing skin contact with aggressive chemicals. This means using strong cleansing agents less often and giving up chemical dyeing, the alternative of which may be natural dyeing methods with plant dyes such as henna or indigo that nourish the hair and scalp.

    Products for sensitive scalp are characterized by the lack of drying alcohol, fragrances or irritating preservatives. Desirable ingredients include all moisturizing oils and soothing plant extracts, e.g. aloe, panthenol or allantoin.

    Oiling the scalp can also help alleviate the symptoms of sensitive scalp, i.e. applying mild oil (e.g. coconut oil or a special mixture intended for dry, sensitive scalp) to the scalp about 30 minutes before washing the hair. Natural aloe or linseed gels will also be helpful when applied to the scalp.

    If we want to grow or thicken our hair, we can also use a lotion. Be sure to remember that when used on a sensitive scalp, it must be free of alcohol, strong fragrances and plant extracts with a drying effect.

    There is no one perfect recipe for the care of sensitive scalp, due to its irritability, you should be careful when introducing new cosmetics and treatments.

    It is very important to carefully observe the skin’s reaction to specific ingredients and preparations, which will allow us to tailor the care to our individual needs.

    Scalp – this is the common name for the scalp. However, this is not an official date.

    Care for oily scalp

    For people with oily skin, the problem is excessive sebum production, which makes the hair flat, lifeless and even greasy. Contrary to appearances, to normalize this condition, care should be gentle. Very intense, drying cleansing of the scalp of sebum may cause the body to produce even more sebum to moisturize the scalp.

    For daily hair washing, it is worth using both mild and stronger shampoos, for example alternately. To combat oily scalp, you should also avoid very high temperatures when washing and drying your hair. People with oily scalp should also massage the scalp less often, as it stimulates the glands to produce sebum.

    Any masks or conditioners with moisturizing substances should be used only on the length of the hair, so that the greasy scalp does not come into contact with them. Cosmetics should contain substances such as clays, algae and herbs.

    You can experiment and add these ingredients in the form of semi-finished products to finished cosmetics. Mix a teaspoon of clay (any green, red or other) with shampoo and water and wash your hair with this solution. You will enjoy a refreshed scalp and a lifted hairstyle at the roots.

    Scalp care and dandruff

    In the case of dandruff, the basic element of care is a medicated shampoo from a pharmacy. Depending on the intensity of the problem, it should be used every day or every few days, e.g. alternating with a milder shampoo. Remember to wash your hair very often, as sebum promotes the growth of bacteria and fungi that cause dandruff.

    As with oily scalps, avoid skin contact with conditioners and masks. When the skin needs moisturizing and soothing, you can use natural aloe gel or linseed gel. The fight against dandruff will be supported by special oils or lotions produced for dandruff, often containing antibacterial essential oils such as sandalwood, lavender or tea tree.

    In the case of very advanced skin problems, such as seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, recurrent dandruff or skin irritation that causes daily discomfort, it is worth visiting a doctor, dermatologist or trichologist who will diagnose the problem and suggest therapeutic care.

    Scalp care and hair washing

    Hair should be washed as often as needed. If our hair is oily, we can wash it every day, if we don’t have this problem, we can wash it every few days. However, it is very important what cosmetics we use for daily hair cleansing.

    A care mistake is the daily use of shampoos with strong detergents such as SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). These are intensively cleansing and foaming substances called sulphates, added to cosmetics and household chemicals. Due to their aggressive action, they have sensitizing and irritating properties and, when used daily, may cause skin dryness, itching, dandruff or erythema in many people.

    The scalp dried with sulphates begins to produce more sebum to prevent irritation, which negatively affects the appearance and freshness of our hair. Of course, the reaction to these detergents is an individual matter and many people will be able to use them successfully. However, to prevent potential problems, it is worth choosing mild shampoos without the addition of strong detergents, dedicated to children, allergy sufferers and people with sensitive scalp.

    Cleaning substances that are more gentle than SLS and SLES are, for example, ALS (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate) or SCS (Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate). Nowadays, finding a shampoo without strong sulphates should not be a problem, because there are many gentle cleansing products available on the market. Shampoos with the previously mentioned strong cleansing substances should be used much less frequently, for cyclical cleansing of the hair and scalp.

    Scalp care: massaging the scalp and rubbing in

    A short, daily massage will improve blood circulation and oxygenate the hair follicles, while stimulating hair growth. You can massage with a hairbrush, fingers or a special massager.

    It is good to combine massage with rubbing special scalp conditioners into the scalp. The lotion should be matched to the specific needs of our skin and hair, because different ingredients work on specific problems. Most people, especially people with seborrheic problems or very sensitive scalps, should avoid alcohol-based cosmetics.

    Scalp care: brushing your hair

    It may seem that brushing has little to do with the condition of the scalp. However, remember not to pull the hair while combing, which will negatively affect its condition and the condition of the hair bulbs.

    A hair-pulling brush will not only pull out more hair than should naturally fall out, but it will also greatly weaken the hair follicles. If our hair is very unruly and often has tangles, to comb it, you need to hold the hair above the problematic tangle so as not to pull the scalp.

    Scalp care, styling and hairstyles

    Just like when brushing, when styling your hair, remember to keep it as loose as possible. We often don’t realize how tiring our hairstyle can be to our scalp. We only realize this when, after a whole day in a ponytail or tight bun, we feel tightness and pain in the scalp.

    The healthiest hairstyle for the scalp that minimizes the risk of pulling and tugging is a loose braid. Protection against weather conditions Temperature also has a significant impact on the condition of the scalp and bulbs, so it must be protected against direct exposure to difficult weather conditions. During frosts, it is worth wearing a hat to prevent skin irritation and weakening of hair follicles, and in summer, protect your head with a hat or scarf against the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays.

    Scalp care: regular cleansing

    Once we give up the daily use of shampoos with strong detergents such as SLES or SLS, we must not forget about periodic cleansing of the scalp and hair with a stronger shampoo. The frequency of such…