
Single-parent families: a duty to visit absent fathers desired by the President. A good idea ?

Single-parent families: a duty to visit absent fathers desired by the President.  A good idea ?

In an interview with Elle magazine, Emmanuel Macron wants to open a very particular debate: that of the establishment of a “duty to support children until adulthood”. This implies involving ex-spouses in the education of their offspring through regular visits, the modalities of which remain to be defined.

This is an announcement that the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, told the magazine Elle, during an exclusive interview. The Head of State wishes to open the debate on the establishment of a “duty of support, until adulthood, of children” which would allow separated parents, and in particular single mothers (mostly women in this situation) “to demand” involvement in the education of children, of their ex-spouses.

Visiting rights for divorced parents

In the columns of the magazine Ellewe can read that Emmanuel Macron believes that he “There must no longer be just a right but a duty to visit, a duty to follow-up, to educate, to continue the parental project beyond the couple.”.

He wants us tocan open this debate, which is basically both a debate on the parenthood and a debate on equality between women and men, which is that of establishing a duty of visitation, a duty of support until adulthood, for children”.

Before adding that “when there is a father, he must exercise all his duties and the mother, when she is in this situation, can demand regular visits“arguing that it would be “better” for the child(ren).

Details provided by Aurore Bergé

The minister responsible for gender equality was subsequently questioned about this announcement. According to Aurore Bergé, it is about restoring a certain balance.

Society has become too “accommodated to the idea that women could take on everything on their own and that it wasn't a big deal” if the fathers “were limited to a alimony that, sometimes, they did not pay” she says.

Conversely, mothers who “refuse the presentation of a child because there will be a risk of violence, they, on the other hand, are immediately reminded of the law. This “duty to visit” would therefore restore a certain balance and could materialize in various ways, she underlined, such as “sanctions for fathers who were already supposed to assume their visitation rights and do not assume them“.

Associations are questioning this measure, which is still too vague

Following this announcement, many associations are wondering about the implementation of this type of measure. Questioned by TipsForWomens, Patricia Augustin, general secretary of the Union Federation of Single-Parent Families (FSFM), is awaiting more information. “Let's go beyond the announcement effect and see what this measure can give.” she believes.

“This can be a good thing, but more thought is needed on the subject“The question of unstable or violent ex-spouses obviously arises.”We don't know what problem an individual might be going through, what is certain is that we can't force a person to have an interest in their child if they don't have any.” adds the general secretary of the FSFM.

Give more resources to associations

Sometimes, on the contrary, she assures, fathers are willing to welcome their children, but simply do not have the means, especially when there are several. “There is the solution of spaces dedicated to families, but these places are still too few in number in France” once again exposes Patricia Augustin.

These places could be further developed by associations, by giving them the means. They would make it possible to ensure meetings between parents and children in a secure manner and meet this need.” she argues.

Remember that in France, one in four families is single-parent, which represents two million families and 3.1 million minor children. And that in the vast majority of cases – 82% of cases – it is single women who raise their offspring. It will also remain to mention the remaining 18% of cases, often forgotten in major announcements.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]