Health and Fitness

Soaring mutual insurance companies: consider this supplement to reduce your expenses

Soaring mutual insurance companies: consider this supplement to reduce your expenses

The Solidarity Health Supplement helps certain French people pay for their health expenses. Who can use it? And how to benefit from it? Explanations.

Did you know that you are potentially eligible for free or very low-cost complementary health insurance? In Europe, more than three million individuals are affected by this system called “complementary solidarity health”.

Almost free mutual insurance

Since April 1, 2022, any French person who receives the solidarity allowance for the elderly and who has not exercised professional activity in the last 3 months is entitled to the Supplementary Solidarity Health (C2S) subject to a (meager) financial participation. Either this help is free or it costs less than €1 per day per person.

A salutary help in this period of soaring prices for complementary health insurance, since they increase, on average, + 8.1%.

However, few French people are aware of the existence of this free supplement.

Beneficiaries – “workers with low salaries, in different sectors such as construction, home delivery, temporary work or even personal services“- are in fact unaware of their rights to this aid and are making insufficient use of it, warns Health Insurance in a press release released this Monday, January 8.

Supplementary health insurance, which nevertheless has many advantages, including covering the entire household.

How to benefit from this complementary health insurance?

To request it, you must:

  • Benefit from health insurance;
  • Do not exceed the maximum resource limit. For example, a single person residing in mainland Europe is eligible for supplementary coverage if their income does not exceed 9,719 euros.

Finally, if you have benefited in the past from Supplementary Solidarity Health, you must be up to date with the payment of your financial contributions (or in the process of being regularized).