
Suffering at work: the 7 signs that should alert you

Suffering at work: the 7 signs that should alert you

Malakoff Humanis publishes its “Occupational Health Barometer” and is specifically interested in the mental health of women. But beyond the numbers, what are the signs of suffering at work that should alert you? How do we recognize that we are in this situation? The answers of Audrey Brun, systemic psychologist.

Published last Thursday September 21, the “Occupational Health Barometer” from Malakoff Humanis looks at the mental health of women. Thus, 44% of female respondents declared themselves to be in poor psychological condition, compared to 32% of men. And professionally speaking, more than half (52%) declare themselves “exhausted”.

What are the signs to spot that show suffering at work?

Suffering at work is a reality for many people, not just women, even if they are more prone to it than men. How to spot it? What are the signs not to ignore? The answers of Audrey Brun, psychologist.

Permanent fatigue

One of the first warning signs, which should put us on alert, is fatigue. “We cannot recover, we are tired, vacations are not enough to relieve fatigue, even when they are long. As soon as we return to work, we feel tired, and the exhaustion is always there” begins by detailing Audrey Brun.

We spend time prioritizing

The second warning sign is a type of procrastination. “When you’re in pain at work, you spend a lot of time prioritizing what you need to do, without really making progress in your work. We flit around more than we work.”

An imbalance between what I give and what I receive

Suffering at work also comes from an imbalance between what we give and what we receive. “It’s a feeling perceived by the employee, which is not necessarily real” first explains our expert. “But when recognition, whether verbal or in terms of salary, for example, does not follow, we can try to do more and more to promote ourselves and end up burning out.”

The professional environment plays a role

Work colleagues and the hierarchy also play a role in suffering at work. “We see people who feel pressurized, caught between the two sides. They are often department heads who have to deal with both and they cannot find the right professional posture to meet the demands of both.” indicates the specialist.

Body signs

Insomnia, changeable mood, sadness, difficulty being happy…”These physical signs also appear in a person who is suffering at work. We also notice that this is a person who will ruminate, she will not stop thinking about her work and will no longer be able to relax and enjoy the moments of simple pleasures in life. explains the psychologist.

When you no longer have interest in work

When we suffer from a lack of usefulness, we also suffer at work. “These people suffer from a lack of usefulness, they no longer have any particular interest. Their work is of no use or they are of no use in their work. They can then be “put in the closet” without being able to invest in their profession” estimates the psychologist.

We think about burn-out, but we have to be careful about “burn-in”

Finally, recalls Audrey Brun, “burnout is a term that has been overused” explains Audrey Brun. “Before getting there, there is burn-in. And burn-in is precisely the signs that we feel first, inside ourselves. This is when you have to listen to yourself and be attentive. Once it explodes, it’s burnout and it’s too late.”

What to do if you are in this situation?

If you find yourself in this description, the important thing is not to be alone. You need to talk to those around you or turn to a professional to discuss your problem. And at work, you can also:

  • discuss your workload with your employer, if the problem comes from there, in order to find an arrangement;
  • explore the possibility of a new job, training and development opportunities, if your current job no longer suits you;
  • contact the hierarchy in the event of a relationship problem with a colleague or manager, to try to discuss it openly in mediation or possibly change work teams.
Bore-out: 10 keys to regaining motivation at work

Slide: Bore-out: 10 keys to regaining motivation at work

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]