
These 6 behaviors indicate that your partner is no longer happy as a couple

These 6 behaviors indicate that your partner is no longer happy as a couple

Does your partner seem different lately and you don’t know why? Identify 6 behaviors indicating that your partner may be unhappy in your relationship.

For some time now, your partner seems strange and you are worried about your relationship? As a couple, it’s normal to go through ups and downs. To maintain a healthy relationship, you must still make sure to take care of your partner. Certain signs could also reveal that you are currently going through a difficult period and that your partner is no longer happy as a couple. If your partner doesn’t honestly express the small annoyances he or she may feel, learning to recognize them could help you. Here are 6 of these signs.

1) He is emotionally distant

Do you feel like you’re no longer as close to your partner as before? If you notice tension in many of your conversations, you must react as quickly as possible and not let an icy climate settle between you. Indeed, sharing and complicity are essential points in a relationship. If you feel your partner is distant, they may not be happy with certain things and become emotionally detached from you. Worst case scenario, he may be getting ready to leave you. Sometimes it’s hard to know what exactly is going on. However, maintaining an emotional connection between you will help you survive critical moments in the relationship.

2) He often criticizes you

You put the dishwasher away incorrectly, you’re not on time to go out with him/her… everything is subject to confusion and your partner criticizes you for the smallest details. Gone are the days when he showed patience and understanding towards you!

If you feel like your significant other is criticizing you unfairly, it might be a bad sign. Indeed, it could be that he/she uses criticism to express his/her frustrations. This is what the Gottman Institute explains: “Criticism is prevalent in relationships because it’s a way for us to express our concerns without being vulnerable.”

The only solution to this: communicate. Don’t be afraid to ask him why he constantly criticizes you. You might have a chance to make things better!

3) He prioritizes his friends

Another sign that may alert you is that he often chooses to see his friends rather than stay with you. Be careful though: going out with your friends outside of your romantic relationship is a very good thing and contributes to overall happiness. However, if your partner does it too often, it could be a subtle indicator that they are no longer happy with your relationship.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain quality romantic moments, together, in order to solidify your relationship.

4) He shows less affection than before

A while ago, he would hold your hand in public and cuddle you during a movie… but now those days are over. However, affection and intimacy are essential elements for the good of a relationship. If you feel like you have a roommate rather than a companion, it’s time to worry!

Indeed, intimacy is an essential basis for ensuring a good connection and open communication. Moreover, several studies show that the amount of affection that couples show each other is closely linked to their degree of happiness and commitment in the relationship. So, when one member of the couple is less intimate and attentive with their partner, it may reveal that they are not happy in the relationship and less committed than before.

5) He creates less connection with you

In a broader register than intimacy, your partner is generally less attentive than before. The time when he made you your coffee is long gone, just like the time when he never forgot to kiss you before leaving for work. However, these small everyday actions are signs of love that help two people feel connected. If they don’t arrive as much as before, there’s probably a problem.

Moreover, this does not only concern actions and services, but also the desire to know how your day was or to have your opinion on their latest purchase. Doctors from the Gottman Institute call these little moments “connection offers”. These are ways your partner uses to capture “your attention and/or affection”.

6) Your way of communicating has changed

According to a survey dating from 2022, the main cause of divorce is linked to poor communication. Maybe in your relationship, it has always been excellent until now but lately this is no longer the case.

For example, your partner gives you fewer compliments, laughs less with you, no longer tells you about their days in detail… but does not fail to make comments to you about trivial things. Even if they are sometimes difficult to identify, these small changes are definitely present. The only way to be sure that your partner’s abnormal behavior is indeed indicative of problems within your relationship is to talk about it.

Although every couple is different and doesn’t communicate in the same way, resolving your issues starts with a conversation. The latter helps to remove any uncertainty within a relationship. By confiding with an open heart, you put all the chances on your side to improve your relationship.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]