Health and Fitness

These videos help reassure children facing hospital care

These videos help reassure children facing hospital care

For a child, receiving care in hospital, whether in the emergency room or during hospitalization, is never an easy thing. The Sparadrap association has created videos for parents and healthcare professionals allowing children to be less afraid and in less pain during treatment.

The Sparadrap association helps children facing treatment in hospital. It particularly targets the care that small patients affected by cancer or leukemia can receive.

Three new videos, to reassure children

Thus, three new videos, relating to blood transfusion, myelogram and the central catheter, have been published by the association, via its YouTube channel. This care, which can be painful and anxiety-provoking, often takes place in a difficult context. These contents therefore aim to prepare children to receive them and to feel reassured. But also to play down what is happening to them.

Sick children find the answers to their questions

These videos from the “Dis-moi SPARADRAP” collection are designed to answer the questions and concerns of these young patients. They are also accessible to young non-reading children.

“What is this? How is it? Can my parents stay with me? Does it hurt?” : each video answers these questions but also describes step-by-step the course of the treatment or examination, “thanks to animated illustrations and simple explanations, scientifically validated by health professionals specializing in the subject” specifies the association.

The first three videos, covering MEOPA, lumbar puncture and scintigraphy, have already been published in May 2023.