
This is the biggest mistake we make after washing our hair. The expert warns

This is the biggest mistake we make after washing our hair.  The expert warns

Washing your hair, at first glance, seems simple, even trivial. However, it turns out that when doing this, we make a big mistake, which can have unpleasant consequences for the condition of our hair and more. A trichologist advises how to eliminate it.

This is the biggest mistake we make after washing our hair.  The expert warns

We put so much work into having beautiful, healthy and shiny locks. We choose cosmetics depending on the needs of our hair, especially the scalp. We also nourish them from the inside, using dietary supplements and paying attention to what we eat. These are good habits worth maintaining. However, few people realize that we make such a terrible mistake when washing our hair.

The biggest mistake when washing your hair

The thing is that most of us wrap wet strands in a towel in the form of a turban to dry them. This common practice has a negative impact on the condition of our hair strands, and is even more harmful to the health of our skin. Trichologist Paulina Sobkowiak, who regularly shares her knowledge on social media, warns against this habit.

Wrapping your turban after washing your hair is the biggest mistake that can cause many problems. What can happen if we hold a rolled-up towel on our head for more than five minutes? As the expert stated in a video shared on Instagram, “this may cause dandruff, faster oiliness, and even dermatoses such as PsA (seborrheic dermatitis – ed.).”

Do not keep the turban on for longer than 5 minutes

But that’s not all. According to the trichologist, wearing a turban on wet hair may contribute to the colonization of bacteria and fungi. “Because there is a humid environment under the towel, and unfortunately in a humid environment these bad bacteria and fungi grow very quickly,” she explained.

Sobkowiak added that a wrapped towel on the head may be one of the causative factors of pimples, irritations and dandruff. Moreover, it may cause the hair to become greasy.

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Post shared by Paulina Sobkowiak | Trichologist 💇🏽‍♀️ | Cosmetologist | Nurse💉 (@trychologpola)

If we put on a turban, we should keep it on for no longer than five minutes. However, it is best to drain excess water from your hair, apply heat protection to the hair shaft, and then dry it with a hair dryer. The strands will return the favor for such treatment.