Health and Fitness

This new cardiovascular disease identified by scientists affects one in three people

This new cardiovascular disease identified by scientists affects one in three people

To best prevent the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases, researchers from the American Heart Association (AHA) have highlighted a brand new syndrome, called “cardiovascular-renal-metabolic” (CKM). TipsForWomens takes stock with Dr Kierzek.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), nearly one in three adults have at least three risk factors that expose them to a “increased risk” of the “cardiovascular-renal-metabolic” syndrome (CKM). Update on this announcement.

Cardiovascular-renal-metabolic syndrome (CKM): what is it?

This is the first time that the American Heart Association (AHA) has provided, in the journal Circulation, a definition of “cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome“, which associates “obesity, diabetes and chronic kidney disease“.

The definition of this syndrome is “a consequence of the historically high prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes among adults and youth”, specify the scientists.

A worrying revelation to say the least, since nearly one in three Americans present “at least three risk factors contributing to cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and/or kidney disease”.

But if this announcement effect can be frightening, it is not a “new disease” said Dr. Kierzek.

It is a syndrome which is quite close to what we call “metabolic syndrome”, which corresponds to the association of several disorders linked to the presence of excess fat inside the belly. In the case of CKM syndrome, the definition is even broader: it includes more criteria, such as kidney disease.”

For his part, Dr Cocaul, a nutritionist, believes “that if this new definition has the merit of drawing attention to all these disorders, and in particular those which include the kidneys, sometimes put aside, it will not fundamentally change things.”

“Cardiovascular-renal-metabolic” syndrome (CKM): the effects of the disease

The impact of the syndrome on the body is “considerable”, estimate American scientists.

CKM affects almost every major organ in the body, including the heart, brain, kidneys and liver”, they admit.

The consequences also seem particularly important at the level of the cardiovascular system.

But for Dr. Kierzek, if this research is interesting, “However, the risk assessment is missing. In other words, elements that make it possible to quantify organ damage.”

To do this“The coroscanner is very effective in measuring arterial stiffness, in the same way as the coronary calcium score, which makes it possible to assess the extent of coronary atheroma lesions. These two tools make it possible to assess individual risk.”

How to prevent this “new” syndrome?

As with metabolic syndrome, CKM is favored by lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and poor diet. Therefore, to prevent “cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome”, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle:

  • Practice regular physical activity;
  • Eat healthy ;
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol;
  • Have regular health checkups.