
This oil will accelerate hair growth. Source of vitamins and fatty acids

This oil will accelerate hair growth.  Source of vitamins and fatty acids

Hair falling out, weakened and greasy is a problem for many of us. Care can be difficult and ultimately we decide on regular shampoo and conditioner. However, this is not enough. The scalp needs many valuable ingredients and proper hydration. That's why it's worth using a certain oil.

This oil will accelerate hair growth.  Source of vitamins and fatty acids

When our hair becomes oily and begins to fall out, we often decide not to burden it excessively and give up masks, serums or oils. And that's a big mistake. Excessively dry skin begins to secrete excess sebum, which in turn leads to the scalp becoming greasy, dandruff and hair loss. Abyssinian oil may be a remedy for these problems.

Abyssinian oil – for hair growth and more

Certified dermatologists, Dr. Hadley King and Dr. Jeannette Graf from Mount Sinai School of Medicine, explained why Abyssinian oil has been valued for years and used as a cosmetic or additive. The experts pointed out that the oil obtained from Abyssinian blueberry contains valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which influence skin hydration. This prevents sebum secretion disorders, scalp itching and dandruff.

The oil also contains a number of vitamins, such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and E. Thanks to this, the scalp and hair bulbs gain a real injection of valuable ingredients. This, in turn, makes the hair stronger, prevents it from falling out and grows faster. Another advantage is the fact that Abyssinian oil is quickly absorbed. Therefore, it is worth rubbing into the scalp, especially after scalp peeling.

Dermatologists emphasize that the oil should also be used on entire hair strands. Thanks to this, you can reduce frizz and add shine to the entire hairstyle. Additionally, the oil protects the hair against damage caused by treatments requiring high temperatures (drying, straightening, curling).

How to use Abyssinian oil? Choose your favorite form

As with any cosmetic or substance applied to the skin, you should first perform an allergy test. To do this, simply apply some oil to the outer skin of your hands and wait 20 minutes. If everything is fine and there are no allergic reactions on the skin, you can use the oil for scalp and hair care.

One way to use the oil is to make a homemade mask. The old and well-known method of our mothers and grandmothers will work great, i.e. a combination of egg yolks, Abyssinian oil (castor oil was once used) and lemon juice. Combine the ingredients and apply to the hair, massage and leave for 20 minutes. After this time, wash your hair with a delicate shampoo, apply conditioner and leave to dry.

Another idea for using Abyssinian oil is to apply it to the scalp twice a week. You can do it at night, wearing a shower cap, or for two hours during the day. In this way, we not only moisturize the scalp, but also smooth the hair structure.

Abyssinian oil can also be applied to the ends or, in the case of long hair, rub a small amount in your hands and spread it on the hair below the ear line. It is worth applying it before drying or straightening your hair to obtain effective thermal protection.