
This ointment literally pulls pus out of pimples. You can buy it for pennies at the pharmacy

This ointment literally pulls pus out of pimples.  You can buy it for pennies at the pharmacy

Facial acne is not only a nightmare for teenagers. Sometimes acne can appear as an unpleasant surprise in adults. They then wonder how they can get rid of this bothersome skin problem. It turns out that there is a cheap and effective way. This is an ointment that costs only PLN 6 in the pharmacy. You don’t have to wait long for its effects.

This ointment literally pulls pus out of pimples.  You can buy it for pennies at the pharmacy

When eczema unexpectedly appears on your face, reach for ichthyol ointment. It’s worth having it in your home medicine cabinet – it costs a few cents, and its effect is invaluable when unsightly pimples return. They can appear at any age (not only during adolescence) and can make life difficult and worrying.

Ichthyol ointment is a hit from the pharmacy. It will help with pimples and acne

Acne-prone skin comes to the rescue with a dark and thick ichthyol ointment, which can be easily recognized by its distinctive smell reminiscent of hot asphalt. It is true that its smell is not pleasant, but it is in it and in its color that the power of this preparation lies. It has a strong astringent and anti-inflammatory effect and inhibits the development and reproduction of bacteria. Its great advantage is that it pulls the pus out of the pimple.

The composition of ichthyol ointment, which supports the fight against acne, contains an active substance called ichitol with a concentration of 10%, also known as ammonium sulfobitumate. It also contains yellow Vaseline and the so-called lanolin. wool fat.

A must have in your home medicine cabinet

Ichthyol ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is best to use it when we have a problem with painful purulent pustules and apply it point-wise to skin lesions. It is usually recommended to use the preparation at night. If you have open wounds, do not use it or if you may be hypersensitive to any of its ingredients. The effects of this treatment are visible and felt really quickly.

This unique ointment will deal with unwanted pimples, but it can also be a great ally in the fight against boils, porridges and subcutaneous pimples.