Diets and Nutrition

This sweetener would be the best alternative to sugar

This sweetener would be the best alternative to sugar

Do you want to limit your sugar consumption and adopt a healthier alternative? Here is a sweetener that could be your ally according to a study. Here it is !

As you probably know, excessive consumption of sugar can lead to weight gain, which can lead to significant health risks, such as diseases such as diabetes or obesity. This is why many people are looking for healthier alternatives to replace sugar in their diet. Sweeteners, having a taste similar to sugar, then present themselves as one of the potential alternative solutions.

Researchers from the University of Shanghai and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) therefore carried out a study to determine which sweetener is closest to sugar, and would constitute the best alternative. We share the results of their experience with you!

Stevia, the sweetener most similar to the reaction of sugar on the brain

To carry out their study, the researchers decided to study the brain reaction in mice, depending on whether they had consumed sugar or different types of sweeteners. During the experiment, the mice tested were therefore subjected to six different diets for six weeks. The first group was put on a “control” diet (with a mixture of sweeteners), while the other groups were fed high amounts of sugar, stevia, xylitol, glycyrrhizin or mogroside (these last four being sweeteners).

The researchers then recorded in real time the activity of neurons in the brains of the mice when they consumed the different sweeteners or sugar. To highlight the reaction, they use in vivo fluorescence calcium imaging, measuring the activity of the cells.

According to the results and in comparison with the different groups, the brain activity produced by the consumption of stevia is the one that most closely resembles that caused by the ingestion of sugar. A relevant lead according to experts…

A healthy alternative to the taste of sugar?

Such results suggest that stevia could be a sugar substitute that is just as pleasant in terms of taste, while being healthier! This alternative could therefore be an interesting avenue to fight against diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Therefore, stevia in the future is expected to further encourage food and beverage producers to incorporate stevia into their products to reduce the number of calories.

NO to diets, YES to WW!

Further studies are needed to establish a reliable link

Although this study provides interesting results, it does have some limitations. Indeed, this experiment having been carried out on mice, the researchers would like, as part of their future work, to know if a similar phenomenon exists in the human brain. To do this, they could carry out an experiment using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging).

Furthermore, if we consider stevia as an alternative to fight against certain diseases, we should further study the impact of its consumption on the human body.

About author

I pass by being that person liable to duty, but who cannot resist the flights of imagination. I have always loved the legends, the myths and the stories of the old and distant times with my whole being. In high school I fell in love with the history of art and I made it the object of my university studies. Once I graduated, I dusted off an old flame: that of children's literature. I rediscovered the beauty and importance of illustrated books and books, where, to a quality text, images are added that give strength and enrich what is narrated with meaning. It can be said that illustrators often make real works of art! It was then that I decided to follow this passion of mine both as a volunteer, entering the ranks of readers born to read, and in my work as a librarian. I am a greedy devoured of illustrated books (I have an absolute weakness for the stories that have bears or wolves as protagonists!), I love simple stories that know how to strike and surprise. I hate pigeon-holed books in a specific age group and readers in a certain category of readings. I think everyone is different and deserves to choose (and be chosen by the books) without constraints, in complete freedom! [email protected]