
Uniform at school: discover the cities concerned from the next school year

Uniform at school: discover the cities concerned from the next school year

It’s official: the Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, has just announced the implementation of a school uniform experiment, which will begin next September. How will this happen? Which cities are affected? TipsForWomens takes stock of the issue.

This is an experiment which should begin at the start of the next school year, in September 2024: uniforms will return to school. It is the current Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, who officially announces it.

Clothing kits provided to families

According to information from our colleagues at France Info, clothing kits will be provided to families, in order to be able to dress the students. They would consist of five polo shirts, two sweaters and two pants. There will also be the possibility, for communities that wish, to retain only part of the kit.

But several uncertainties remain: will girls and boys wear the same clothes? Will there be skirts or Bermuda shorts for sunny days? What about sportswear? Will the wearing of an apron be decided for the youngest, in kindergarten? If these questions remain unanswered for the moment, the question of cost does not. This kit should cost 200 euros per student, but families would not have to pay anything to obtain it. And each child will be entitled to a change of clothing, if it becomes too small or if it tears, for example.

Which cities are affected?

For the moment, the Minister of National Education is speaking of an experiment, which means that only certain communities will be concerned. The cities of Tourcoing, Nice, Perpignan, Reims, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region or departments such as Alpes-Maritimes or Allier are voluntary. Their number will be limited, since the clothing kit will be partly financed by the State.

What will be the measures to introduce uniform at school?

To implement this measure within educational establishments, each of them will need to obtain approval of the project from the board of directors or school council, with the aim of including it in the internal regulations. . The minister adds that the experiment will be supervised, before the measure is generalized to all primary schools, all middle schools and all high schools.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]