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Weight loss apps: which is better, expert reviews

Weight loss apps: which is better, expert reviews

The material was commented on:

Anastasia Efimova, nutritionist at Atlas clinics;

Anastasia Yurkova, master trainer of XFIT group programs.

  • Best Weight Loss Apps
  • Expert comments

Weight loss apps will help you control your diet, choose the right workouts, monitor your heart rate during cardio exercise, and even find like-minded people.

10 Best Weight Loss Apps

1. My healthy diet

  • An application for monitoring diet and calorie counting, taking into account physical activity and training.
  • Suitable for Android and iOS. There is also an online version.
  • The basic version is free and includes almost all functionality. In the premium version, you can calculate the required doses of vitamins and microelements, and in the training section you can monitor the development of certain muscles. Upon registration, it offers a seven-day trial access to full functionality.
Weight loss apps: which is better, expert reviews

2. FatSecret

  • Application for counting calories. Allows you to add your own recipes and includes a large number of popular ready-made products from stores and restaurants.
  • Available for Android and iOS.
  • Free.

3. MyFitnessPal

  • Application for counting calories. Able to scan product barcodes and enter information about the composition into a diary.
  • Available for Android and iOS.
  • Free.

4. Lifesum

  • Application for counting calories.
  • Available for Android and iOS.
  • Free.

5. I feel food

  • The application allows you to record your mood and emotions at the time of eating. May be helpful for those who overeat due to stress or bad mood.
  • Available for Android and iOS.
  • Free.

6. Ideal body system SIT 30

  • An application with a developed system, which includes a balanced menu, recipes for suitable dishes and sets of exercises.
  • Available for Android and iOS.
  • Free, but may include in-app purchases.
Photo: Golden Sikorka / Shutterstock / Fotodom

7. Apple Fitness

  • An activity tracker built into the brand’s smartphone and watch.
  • Available only on iOS is usually pre-installed on the gadget.
  • Free.
Weight loss apps: which is better, expert reviews

8. Tabata. Interval timer

  • Tabata interval training app includes exercise display and timer.
  • Available at Android and iOS.
  • Free. You can make in-app purchases.

9. My Zone

  • Application for monitoring heart rate during training.
  • Available at Android and iOS.
  • Free. You can make in-app purchases.

10. Younger yoga

  • Application for yoga practitioners. Contains recommendations on nutrition and sequence of asanas, suitable for various needs, from weight loss to pregnancy.
  • Available at Android and iOS.
  • The free version includes 10 yoga classes–30 minutes and five minutes of meditation per day. Advanced functionality in the form of complexes is available by subscription.

Expert comments

How to choose the right weight loss app

Who is suitable for workout apps?

About author

Giovanna Pirri (Nutritional Biologist) Graduated in Biological Sciences with a thesis on the nutritional approach in the diabetic patient, she graduated with full marks in Health Biology at the University of Padua in 2008 . In 2011 she passed the State Exam and qualified for the profession of Nutritional Biologist . She obtained the Master in Human Nutrition in Milan, and remains constantly updated through characterizing courses on the universe of food. [email protected]