One of the latest weight loss TikTok trends is Morosil gummies. What is Morosil? Is it really effective for weight loss? Let’s take stock with Alexandra Murcier, dietitian nutritionist.
Have you ever heard of Morosil? This is a fruit extract from the Moro blood orange. Containing anthocyanins, flavone, ascorbic acid and even cinnamic acid, it is believed to have many virtues, notably that of promoting weight loss.
What do Morosil gummies contain?
Morosil gummies contain 100 mg of Morosil but also cider vinegar or pectin. To obtain it, it is best to go to the pharmacy, because although natural, this extract is not without danger.
People with thyroid problems or taking anticoagulant treatment should not take it. When taking it, digestive side effects, such as diarrhea, heartburn and nausea, may occur. It is therefore recommended to seek advice from a doctor before using a Morosil-based product, so as not to exceed the recommended dosage.
Morosil gummies, touted on TikTok
Although it has virtues for reducing stress, preventing skin aging or improving sleep, Morosil has become very popular because of its contribution to weight loss. And as is often the case, this trend was widely advocated on the social network TikTok, through #Morosil.
But can you really lose weight with gummies, these little tart candies containing Morosil? TipsForWomens interviewed Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist. “Gummies or capsules containing Morosil are touted to promote weight loss, but it must be remembered that no food supplement does this. recalls the specialist. “This is marginal aid, which is not significant. To lose weight, you must change your eating habits and practice regular physical activity. . Is it still worth buying some? For the dietitian, it is “lost money“. A word to the wise.