
What did Gabriel Attal announce for the start of the 2023 school year?

What did Gabriel Attal announce for the start of the 2023 school year?

Wearing the abaya, organization of classes, fight against school harassment, increase in teachers’ salaries… The Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal announced numerous measures on Monday during his very first back-to-school press conference. TipsForWomens takes stock.

During his very first press conference entitled “United for our school”, the Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal announced numerous measures for the start of the 2023 school year. Gabriel Attal intends to “raise the level, ensure respect for the rights and homework, build a school that emancipates and elevates”.

First of the priorities “to raise the level” of the pupils

Gabriel Attal began his press conference by evoking his desire to initiate a “shock of knowledge” for each school level.

  • In kindergarten : for this school year, Gabriel Attal ensures that “100% of large section, CP and CE1 classes will be capped at twenty-four students” and that “we will continue and complete the duplication of classes in priority education, in particular in large section between now and the start of the 2024 school year”. A “kindergarten plan” will also come into force, to deepen the training of teachers. As for school from the age of 2, “it will be amplified in priority education, to attack inequalities in root”.
  • And primary : the Minister wishes above all to give priority to “fundamental knowledge”. At all levels, French and reading will be practiced more: “The novelty in CM2 is that, each week, students will have to produce at least one written text” declared Gabriel Attal. In CM1, there will also be new national assessments.
  • To college : as announced a few weeks ago, the “homework done” system will be generalized. Moreover, “the neweThe 6th grade will allow us to lay the foundations for a better level of our college students with more support in French and mathematics”, stated the Minister of Education. “The collective part of the Culture Pass will be generalized for the 6th and 5th years, which will allow all middle and high school students to have access to at least one cultural activity each year” he added.
  • In high school : Gabriel Attal announced “an hour and a half of mathematics per week for all students in 1re general and the new calendar of the baccalaureate will make it possible to extend the logic of a school which secures knowledge and raises the level. The organization of specialty tests in March led to a disorganization of establishments, hundreds of thousands of hours of teaching lost for 2nd and 1st high school students, demotivation and absenteeism among a large number of students. de terminale “Thus, the specialty tests will be organized in June against March previously.

“The abaya has no place in our schools”

The second objective of the youngest Minister of the Borne government is clear: “Secularism is a duty for all and a right for everyone”. Thus, he announced “To unite is to be clear: the abaya has no place in our schools. No more than other religious signs”. To put secularism back at the heart of schools, the Minister for National Education announced “we will train 300,000 staff per year in secularism issues until 2025 and all 14,000 management staff before the end of the year”.

The fight against bullying, “big cause” of the 2023-2024 school year

He had already mentioned this cause several times. During the back-to-school press conference, Gabriel Attal hammered home his goal: “increase the pressure on bullying prevention”: “The Internet, for a harassed child, is like a boundless playground, without rules, without adults to protect him”. The minister therefore undertook to summon internet platforms in order to find solutions to protect children: “Bullying at school makes our children suffer too much”.

Recruitment of 6,500 AESH for students with disabilities

Gabriel Attal promised the recruitment of 6,500 AESH for students with disabilities and to increase their salary: “It’s up to the school to adapt to each child, and not the other way around” he said. said at the press conference.

Increase in teachers’ salaries between 125 and 250 euros net/month

“Not a single full professor will receive less than 2,100 euros net per month. We have kept our commitment: all teachers in this country will receive between 125 and 250 euros net more per month, unconditionally” declared the Minister of Education. On the other hand, he also declared “that it is the national education which adapts to the schedule of the teachers and not the reverse. At the start of the 2024 academic year, no student should be deprived of their teacher due to training or administrative constraints”. Indeed, according to him, “15 million hours” are “lost each year” including “half because of our administrative organization”. These meetings and other training must take place outside of class hours.

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]