
What is a self-centered personality?

What is a self-centered personality?

An egocentric personality brings everything to itself and thinks itself the center of the world. An attitude which can lead him to encounter relational difficulties. A look back at the definition of this word, the characteristics of this behavior and how to improve things.

Definition: What is an egocentric person?

The term “egocentric” is formed from the Latin words “ego” which means “me” and “centrum” which means “the center”. According to its etymology, egocentrism therefore concerns a person who places himself in the center. “An egocentric person is a person who tends to think primarily for themselves, their own needs and interests without taking enough account of others. This can manifest itself, for example, in a lack of empathy or selfish behavior.“, explains Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist and author of “Déconditionez-vous!” (ed. Le Courrier du livre). This tendency is more common in children who are naturally turned on themselves. It generally diminishes over time. over the years as the person understands that others also have emotions and that their opinions count.

Characteristics: How do you know if he is egocentric?

While everyone can be more or less egocentric at times, some people are more egocentric than others, more intensely and frequently. Several signs can indicate real egocentrism:

  • A focus on yourself : The egocentric focuses excessively on themselves, their own thoughts, feelings and experiences. As soon as someone talks to him about a subject, he brings the discussion back to an event that happened to him. He often uses “me, I”.
  • A lack of empathy : He has difficulty understanding or taking into account the needs, points of view and feelings of others, because he is mainly concerned with what happens to him personally.
  • A constant need for attention and validation : When a self-centered individual chats with other people, it is to gain their attention and approval. He likes to be complimented, admired, to shine in society, to feel superior. If he has the spotlight stolen, he may take it badly and try to regain the advantage by criticizing the success of others.
  • A rejection of failure : If he fails, he blames external elements.
  • Selfish behavior : He talks about his life but doesn’t think about getting news from others. He is only interested in what concerns him. At the table, he helps himself first, etc.

What is the difference between self-centered and self-centered?

Several terms have meanings very close to the word egocentric. This is particularly the case with the word “egocentric”. “The difference lies mainly in the intensity and nature of the behavior. The egocentric person will see the world through their own point of view, without taking into account the subjectivity of the other, while the egocentric person rather designates an attention mainly focused on oneself“, nuances the clinical psychologist.

Selfish, self-centered or narcissistic, are they synonymous? What differences?

Although they describe the same personality type and all share a focus on the self, selfishness, self-centeredness, and narcissism differ in how they manifest and their impact on interpersonal relationships.

  • Selfishness : According to the Larousse online dictionary, selfishness is an “excessive attachment to oneself and one’s interests, with disregard for the interests of others”. The egoist, unlike the egocentric, does not seek to arouse the admiration of others to feel alive, he always puts himself first but pays little interest to what others think of him.
  • Egocentrism : Egocentrism goes beyond simply prioritizing oneself: it perceives the world through one’s own point of view, one’s reality. Self-centered people often have difficulty putting themselves in other people’s shoes or considering things from a different perspective than their own.
  • Narcissism : According to the Larousse online dictionary, narcissism is “excessive love for one’s self-image”. To which Johanna Rozenblum adds that “often describes a personality disorder characterized by an excessive need for admiration, attention and inflated self-esteem“Narcissistic people often have an inflated view of their own abilities and achievements, and may manipulate others to achieve their goals.

What causes egocentrism? A lack of self-confidence?

According to Johanna Rozenblum, egocentrism can result from a personality trait, a family environment or education, or even a life experience.

  • Cognitive development : Egocentrism is especially common among young children, as they go through a period where they have difficulty understanding that other people have thoughts, feelings, and experiences different from their own. Difficult life experiences can also stunt cognitive development and hinder the ability to think about others.
  • Family or educational environment : Parental models and family environment can also play an important role in the development of egocentrism. Children who are overprotected or whose needs are constantly placed in the center of attention may have difficulty developing empathy and consideration for others. Conversely, egocentrism can also arise following a lack of affection and recognition during childhood, which encourages the egocentric person, as they grow up, to seek the attention of others. This can also lead him to lack self-confidence and to overcompensate by over-valuing himself.
  • Social and cultural factors : Social and cultural norms can influence how self-centeredness is perceived and expressed. In some cultures, individualism and valuing personal achievement may encourage more self-centered behaviors, while in other cultures, an emphasis on collectivity and common well-being may mitigate these tendencies.

Egocentrism and romantic relationships: what difficulties does this pose?

Egocentrism, when it is very pronounced and regular, can alter the quality of relationships, whether at work, in the circle of friends, family or in a couple relationship. Those around him may get tired of this behavior, of this lack of attention to him. This is all the more true in a romantic relationship where it is important to take care of the other, to show them your interest, to love someone other than yourself and to show it to them. “The romantic relationship is in essence a sharing where the other must exist as much as you do and that is the challenge. Egocentrism in the couple then becomes a real obstacle to a healthy love structure based on emotional sharing and attention to the partner’s needs.“, explains Johanna Rozenblum. The egocentric person loves themselves, expects the other to do the same but does not seek to return their love. It is a one-sided, unbalanced relationship, which can hurt the partner and get him to leave the relationship.

Good in his body, good in his head!

How to help a child, adolescent or egocentric adult?

To help an egocentric person combat this problem, the psychologist recommends working on the origin of this fault and asking yourself what it could be due to. It is then a matter of raising awareness and drawing their attention to the fact that everyone can see things differently and that it is important to take this into account because their attitude can have negative repercussions which isolate them. If she talked less about herself, she could change that. She doesn’t have to constantly put herself forward so that people will notice her or be interested in her. Finally, he must be taught to look at a situation from a different point of view. This personal work will help the egocentric person to open up to others.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]