Health and Fitness

Wheelchairs reimbursed at 100%: a petition to ask “to respect this promise”

Wheelchairs reimbursed at 100%: a petition to ask “to respect this promise”

In a petition, environmentalist deputy Sébastien Peytavie reminds the president that he had promised to reimburse, from 2024, all the wheelchairs of people in need.

“You must respect this promise”

Sébastien Peytavie will not give up.

Nine months to the day after the National Disability Conference, he sent the president a strong message in a petition launched on January 26.

“You must respect this promise, because it has been a real hope for all wheelchair users and their loved ones”he asserts.

And for good reason: on April 26, 2023 Emmanuel Macron announced a list of strong measures to improve the daily lives of “12 million French people” affected by disability.

Among these measures, we found the “automatic” issuance of the mobility inclusion card for people over 60 years old who are losing their autonomy, the increase in the price of the “PCH direct employment” (to cover all costs payable by people who directly employ home help) or the famous full reimbursement of chairs from 2024, in view of the Paris Paralympic Games.

“An important and expected promise”assures Sébastien Peytavie, first deputy in a wheelchair to sit in the National Assembly and member of the Social Affairs Commission.

More than 50,000 signatures

As soon as it was launched this Monday, the petition met with “great success“, specifies Franceinfo, since it has (already) collected more than 52,000 signatures including those of “Michaël Jeremiasz, head of mission of the French delegation for the Paris 2024 Games, Laurence Tiennot-Herment, president of the AFM-Téléthon, Nicolas Peifer, Paralympic tennis player, Joël Jeannot, Paralympic cyclist and Pascale Ribes, president of the APF Europe Handicap“.

“You must respect this promise, because it is not a question here of luxury, but of the dignity and autonomy of people. People with disabilities pay for this dignity today out of their own pockets”, insists Sébastien Peytavie. The chosen one takes his own example: “My armchair costs 8,000 euros, because it is tailor-made and light. It is not luxury when you take it out of the car ten times a day. An armchair which weighs 15 kilos or which weighs 6 kilos, that is not ‘is not the same thing’he explains on Europe Bleu Périgord.

Sébastien Peytavie specifies that today many people with disabilities are forced to launch “online prize pools or organize events to pay for their chair”.

The environmentalist deputy for Dordogne also spoke to the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal. In a letter he spoke of his wish “to take an active part in negotiations on chair reimbursements”.