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Work stoppages, menstrual panties, medications sold individually… What will change in 2024

Work stoppages, menstrual panties, medications sold individually... What will change in 2024

Sale of single medications, antibiotics without a prescription, partial reimbursement of menstrual panties… Discover the list of the main changes to come following the adoption of the Social Security budget for 2024 (PLFSS).

From January 1, 2024, numerous measures will disrupt the lives and wallets of the French. Update on those expected following the adoption without a vote of the social security budget (use of article 49.3 by the government).

Medicines sold individually

First flagship measure of the PLFSS: the sale of medicines individually, to counter shortages, antibiotic resistance but also the numerous waste (tons of medicines end up in the trash every year).

From now on, in the event of a stock shortage, pharmacists will have to deliver the appropriate quantity of medication to patients rather than a whole box.

Antibiotics without a prescription

Other big news: the French will now be able to buy certain antibiotics directly in pharmacies and without a prescription, after carrying out “a rapid test”.

Antibiotics for simple cystitis and tonsillitis will be particularly concerned.

Feminine protection partially reimbursed

The bill also provides for partial reimbursement of reusable periodic protection, such as panties and menstrual cups.

However, only young women under 26 and those benefiting from complementary solidarity health insurance will be affected.

Stricter supervision of sick leave

To counter the cost caused by the increase in sick leave, the Social Security Financing Bill plans to strengthen controls.

The payment of daily allowances (IJ) may be suspended following a report from the medical inspector (mandated by the employer) deeming a stoppage unjustified. In addition, work stoppages prescribed during a teleconsultation may no longer exceed three days (unless prescribed by the attending physician or inability to go to the doctor)“, details the bill.

Strengthened “preventative” health

Prevention is a priority of the 2024 bill. It thus provides:

  • Free vaccination against papillomavirus infections for all students aged 11 and over. Disabled children not in mainstream school will also be able to benefit from it;
  • Free condoms for under 26s in pharmacies;
  • Free prevention appointments with no advance payment at different ages (18-25 years, 45-50 years, 60-65 years and 70-75 years).

But also :

  • Systematic screening for cytomegalovirus in pregnant women;
  • A possible referral by school doctors of young people to the “My psychological support” system;
  • The potential implementation of treatment for “postpartum” depression.

Extensive vaccination against meningitis

The PLFSS 2024 will also expand “the obligation to vaccinate against infections that can give rise to meningitis“, reports Les Echos.

A disease that can be fatal, especially in infants.

Carpooling to get to the hospital

Finally, to reduce costs linked to medical transport, the Social Security budget wants to encourage patients to share vehicles.

In the event of refusal (and without valid medical reason), the patient will have to advance the costs and will only be partially reimbursed.

An appeal before the Constitutional Council

The four left-wing groups filed a joint appeal to the Constitutional Council following the adoption without debate of the PLFSS 2024 (the government used article 49.3). The authors of the appeal consider the government’s growth forecasts unfounded, denounce an attack on the right to access social benefits (limited work stoppage in the event of teleconsultation, suspension of compensation possible if contested by a doctor mandated by the employer, restriction of coverage for medical transport…).