Baby Care

World Prematurity Day: 45% of parents felt a negative impact on their mental health

World Prematurity Day: 45% of parents felt a negative impact on their mental health

On the occasion of World Prematurity Day, Pampers unveils a study carried out on 900 parents around the world. Around half of them felt a negative impact on their mental health following the premature birth of their baby.

In Europe, 55,000 babies are born prematurely each year: a real upheaval for the 100,000 parents concerned who often find themselves helpless in the face of this situation. Indeed, according to a study carried out by Pampers on 900 parents around the world, the psychological impact is the 2nd source of difficulties encountered by parents of premature babies.

Top 3 difficulties encountered by parents of premature babies

To better understand these issues, Pampers conducted a study with 900 parents around the world, nearly 200 healthcare professionals and committed associations such as SOS Préma. Thus in Europe, 97% of parents of premature babies have experienced difficulties, and 45% have felt a negative impact on their mental health. Europe is

moreover the country in which parents of premature babies felt the least supported. Similarly, 65% of French healthcare professionals surveyed believe that emotional support for parents of premature babies is too weak or non-existent. However, better support can make a very big difference in the parents’ experience, including in the long term: 87% of French parents who received psychological support did so.

found beneficial.

Top 3 difficulties encountered by parents:

  • Worrying about the progress of my baby’s development for 45% of respondents;
  • My psychological state (anxiety/post-traumatic stress) for 40% of parents;
  • Taking care of my baby in hospital for 30% of parents concerned.

Another issue raised, 57% of parents did not realize until much later

that their psychological state had been affected by this event. An invisible impact which sometimes reveals itself after the fact and which can generate stress, anxiety and sometimes even parental depression.

Pampers supports parents on this journey

On the occasion of World Prematurity Day, Pampers announces an exceptional contribution to SOS Préma of 100,000 euros. Objective ? Support 100% of parents of premature babies, particularly in the area of ​​psychological support. This contribution will allow SOS Préma to strengthen its network of parent-experts to extend it throughout Europe. It will also support SOS Préma initiatives aimed at informing health professionals for better management of prematurity. This major campaign called #PampersPourLesPrémas is embodied by Clarisse Agbégnénou, double Olympic judo champion, Pampers ambassador and godmother of SOS Préma. Born two months early, Clarisse Agbégnénou spent the first weeks of her life in an incubator. An event that she was able to transform into strength to the point of becoming the most successful French judokate in history, on the road to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Through her story and her commitment to SOS Préma, Clarisse highlights honor the strength and resilience of premature babies – because for them, there are no small victories. This campaign was launched on September 1, via a

advertising film broadcast on television and played by Clarisse Agbégnénou. “My premature birth was my first fight and one of my greatest victories. It is therefore quite naturally and with great pride that I commit myself alongside SOS Préma in favor of premature babies and their parents. is essential for me to remind all these families that we are at their side, with the support of our partner Pampers. Today, I invite as many people as possible to join me in the great chain of solidarity that I am relaunching this 17 November, distribute it to as many people as possible and/or make a donation to SOS Préma”, recalls Clarisse Agbégnénou in a press release.

About author

Ilaria Barabrossa (Journalist) She currently practices his profession in the province of Verona with a focus on: overweight, obesity (also in children) dyslipidaemias (high triglycerides and cholesterol), hepatic steatosis, diabetes, insulin resistance, renal failure. Graduated in Communication Sciences and Technologies at the IULM University of Milan in 2010, since 2013 she is registered with the Order of Journalists , as a publicist. [email protected]