Baby Care

“Yes Place”, this Montessori play method promotes children’s autonomy

“Yes Place”, this Montessori play method promotes children’s autonomy

Developing children’s autonomy, particularly through play, is one of the principles of Montessori pedagogy. Discover the “Yes Place”, a method of playing in total freedom to promote the child’s independence.

For young children, play is the main learning tool. If we tend as parents to interact with them during these activities; allowing children complete freedom in a “Yes Place” would be very beneficial for developing autonomy. TipsForWomens enlightens you on this method of play inspired by Montessori pedagogy.

What is the “Yes Place”?

This method of play is inspired by the world-famous pedagogy created in 1907 by Maria Montessori. The objective of this method is to focus on the child’s autonomy by providing him with the means to achieve this: equipment is made available to him, which he can manipulate as he wishes during waking hours. The idea is to create a play space in complete freedom for the child. This could be in your bedroom, a corner of the living room or even a playroom. This space must obviously be completely secure and adapted to the child’s age (furniture, toys, etc.). In this place the child does not need the intervention of an adult to be able to play, discover and manipulate.

What games and toys should you put in this space of freedom and discovery?

For the “Yes Place” to be a space for learning and fun, the games and toys must obviously correspond to the age of the child. From around birth to two, you can choose rattles, built-in boxes, discs on a rod or even simple puzzles. From 2 to 4 years old, a lock board can be a wise choice, an abacus, card games and imitation toys such as a small kitchen or workbench will be appreciated. For children aged 5 to 7, rough letters, puzzles, a globe or even construction games. From 8 years old, you can talk with your child to find out their tastes and preferences and give free rein to their imagination for a 100% personalized space.

The crucial role of autonomy in children

Promoting autonomy in children brings many benefits. The child will develop his self-confidence, he will acquire new skills, this will also allow him to solve problems and develop his critical thinking. Developing independence also encourages creativity and exploration, great tools for lifelong learning. An autonomous child is also a child who will be able to adapt better to unfamiliar situations. Essential keys to a fulfilling life.

About author

Ilaria Barabrossa (Journalist) She currently practices his profession in the province of Verona with a focus on: overweight, obesity (also in children) dyslipidaemias (high triglycerides and cholesterol), hepatic steatosis, diabetes, insulin resistance, renal failure. Graduated in Communication Sciences and Technologies at the IULM University of Milan in 2010, since 2013 she is registered with the Order of Journalists , as a publicist. [email protected]