Health and Fitness

Yoga, boxing and meditation sessions reduce complications after cancer surgery

Yoga, boxing and meditation sessions reduce complications after cancer surgery

What if sports classes helped reduce the risk of readmission to hospital after cancer surgery? This is demonstrated by the results of a program combining physical activity, nutrition, mindfulness meditation and psychological support.

Doing boxing, tai chi or yoga before surgery to treat cancer would significantly reduce the risk of hospital readmission, according to results from the online program “Prehab”, managed by QuestPrehab, a company founded by an English anesthetist, Professor Tara Rampal.

A program that includes nutrition, meditation and physical activity

This program is composed of physical exercise, but also mindfulness meditation, nutritional advice and lifestyle support for people affected by cancer, who require surgery. It aims to help them cope with the stress of surgery and recover more quickly during the post-operative phase. Implemented in an English region, it seems to give impressive results.

Fewer surgical complications in monitored patients

According to results reported by the DailyMail, it appears to be working as bowel cancer patients reduced the risk of surgical complications by 60% within 90 days, while those treated for urological cancer recorded a reduction of 50%.

However, these figures have not given rise to publication in a reference journal, so caution remains in order until these data have been reviewed by a committee of independent experts.

Improved quality of life for patients

This program would therefore allow patients to recover more quickly. The English health system would also be in better shape, according to the founder of Prehab. There would be fewer appointments with general practitioners for these patients and fewer hospital readmissions. These have an estimated cost of 1.6 billion per year.

British authorities could be lured by these savings to reduce the massive list of people waiting for surgery, which numbers 7.7 million patients. For Professor Rampal, “this service improves clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients, highlighting the progress they make, during these most challenging periods of their lives and the national health system“.