Replace the age-old question “what did you do at school today?” through more entertaining questions allows you to get to know your child better. As a bonus, you would surely be surprised by his answers!
As parents, we are often convinced that we know our children “by heart”. And yet, we would undoubtedly be surprised at the answers they can provide to certain questions, particularly about their vision of the world. A good way to get to know them better and start some essential discussions in their education.
3 questions about your child’s view of themselves
To find out more about what your child thinks of him, three questions are interesting:
- Questions 1: If people could see inside you, what would they see?
- Question 2: What do you see when you look in the mirror?
- Question 3: If you were the main character in a book/story, how would you describe yourself?
These questions allow us to address different themes: self-confidence, self-esteem, the image we project to others, etc. The construction of identity, if it evolves depending on the age of your child, can be an interesting subject to discuss with them. Obviously, if you detect a self-esteem problem, you should not hesitate to raise the subject with his or her teacher, his or her doctor, or even consider a consultation with a psychologist in order to understand why your child has a poor self-image. himself.
2 questions about his relationship with others
Certain questions allow you to find out what your child’s point of view is on certain delicate subjects such as school bullying:
- Question 1: What would you do if you saw a student being bullied?
- Question 2: What is a friend to you?
Certain works intended for children also make it possible to address these current issues. Here is the editorial selection:
Harassed, harassers of Dr Catherine Dolto and Colline Faure-Poirée (Mine de Rien editions)
Harassment: You want us to talk about it by Carine Simonet (editions Larousse Jeunesse)
Stop harassment, by Isabelle Filliozat, Violène Riefolo and Chantal Rojzman (Nathan editions)
The harassment of Sandra Laboucarie (Milan editions)
2 questions about his vision of family
In our fast-paced routine, we don’t always realize that even within our home, our children can sometimes suffer from certain situations. This is particularly the case with the arrival of a new child in the family or with our way of managing daily life. Your child’s vision of certain situations can allow you to take a step back that is sometimes necessary.
- Question 1: What is the most difficult thing about having a baby in the family?
- Question 2: What is one thing you wish your parents would stop doing?
The answers can be an opportunity to question our family organization, for example by leaving more room for lightness and the unexpected!
3 questions about his worldview
If the news can be gloomy, or even anxiety-provoking, knowing your child’s point of view can allow you to know more about their vision of the world. This also makes it possible to address certain themes such as violence, environmental protection or the role of young people in society.
- Question 1: If children ruled the world, how would it be different?
- Question 2: What would you do if you were responsible for the whole world?
- Question 3: What in the world worries you?
The answers can be funny, original and reflect certain personality traits of your toddler.
A tester !