Watermelon, the undisputed protagonist of the summer, is a fruit that is never missing on picnics by the sea or on summer tables. Everyone really likes it, with its crunchy, fresh and thirst-quenching pulp. But it is also a fruit rich in micronutrients useful for well-being and is low in calories. So, is watermelon fattening?
Find out the truth and how many slices you can eat even on a diet, without feeling guilty.
Does watermelon make you fat? How many calories does it have?
Watermelon or watermelon is a good and moisturizing fruit, a friend of the figure and full of beneficial virtues. It is one of the most suitable fruits to be enjoyed in the summer. Calories are just 16 per 100 g of watermelon. Furthermore, it is composed of 95% water but also contains vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidants such as lycopene.
Its nutritional characteristics therefore make it an ideal fruit because it promotes body hydration and naturally integrates the microelements that our body needs.
Watermelon is also perfect for those on a low-calorie diet. In addition to offering a rapid sense of satiety, thanks to the abundance of water, it has diuretic and draining effects and, as we have seen, a very limited caloric intake.
Sugars are just 3 g per 100 g and fat and protein are practically absent.
If you want to know more, read our in-depth analysis on watermelon.
So, is watermelon fattening? The answer is no. With just 16 Kcal per 100 g, it is perfect for those who need to lose weight. In fact, it is fully part of the less caloric fruits that nature offers us but rich in micronutrients.
However, even if it doesn’t make you fat, it’s always good not to eat it in large quantities, but consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
The presence of water and mineral salts such as potassium also makes watermelon the ideal fruit for those who play sports, to recover the fluids lost during physical activity and replenish electrolytes.
How much watermelon to eat? The recommended daily dosage
Watermelon is a hydrating and low-calorie fruit, so it can be a healthy choice even on a diet. However, it’s important to consider portion size to manage your overall calorie intake.
In fact, a moderate portion of watermelon is around 150-200 grams, which corresponds to more or less 1-2 medium slices. This amount contains between 25 and 32 calories.
It is therefore perfect as a snack in the morning or in the afternoon or to satisfy a sweet tooth after a meal. But also at breakfast, perhaps associated with a plain yogurt or in the form of a smoothie or centrifuged together with other fruits, such as pineapple or strawberries.
So, even if watermelon doesn’t make you fat, it’s important not to overdo it and consume the right amount that makes you feel full but not full, also so as not to strain digestion.
Does watermelon make you lose weight? The relationship with diet
Watermelon is an ideal fruit to be included in a low-calorie diet for weight loss, but by itself it certainly doesn’t help you lose weight.
After all, no food is miraculous and makes you lose weight. What lowers the balance is always a correct and balanced diet that ensures a negative energy balance and regular physical activity. There are no shortcuts to healthy and lasting weight loss.
Discover the Tipsforwomens diet to lose weight in a healthy way.
Watermelon is certainly a good ally in the diet, as it has a high water content and a low caloric density, which means that it contains few calories compared to its volume. This can help satisfy hunger with lower overall calorie intake.
It also promotes a sense of satiety, preventing you from eating more than necessary.
Even fibers, despite not being present in large quantities, contribute to making us feel fuller and help digestive function. Fiber can also slow the absorption of blood sugar, helping to keep glucose levels stable.
Finally, it helps maintain hydration throughout the day.
So it’s good to remember that weight loss depends on a number of factors, including overall energy balance. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn.
Watermelon can be part of a weight-loss and healthy diet, but it’s important to take a balanced approach that includes other sources of nutrients as well.
To consume it without gaining weight and without guilt, the best choice is to eat it fresh, natural. Watermelon ice cream is also good and refreshing, as are watermelon ice cream, sorbets or alcoholic cocktails, but in these cases there are added sugars which must be kept in mind in the caloric balance.
However, it is a fruit that lends itself to many recipes with few calories, such as, for example, diced in salads, in fruit salads without sugar or in centrifuged juices or for delicious skewers with cucumbers.
When to avoid eating watermelon
Watermelon has no particular contraindications, but there are some aspects to keep in mind.
Even if the amount of sugar is moderate, if you suffer from diabetes it is good to consume it after having agreed with your doctor.
Furthermore, an excessive consumption of watermelon can cause gastro-intestinal disorders, especially in people with a certain sensitivity, such as gas (meteorism), swollen belly or diarrhea. In these cases, the watchword is moderation or opting for smaller portions.
On the other hand, although rare, some people can be allergic to watermelon, experiencing symptoms such as itching, swelling, a rash or difficulty breathing.
Finally, regarding possible interactions with medicines, it is always advisable to seek the advice of your doctor.
- Why Watermelon Should Be Part of Your Diet.
- The Top 9 Health Benefits of Watermelon.