
Elastic and firm skin at your fingertips. Just use coffee grounds

Elastic and firm skin at your fingertips.  Just use coffee grounds

Coffee is one of the most frequently drunk drinks in Poland. Usually, however, once we brew it, the grounds end up in the trash bin. Not everyone realizes that they can make a big mistake. Ground coffee grounds will be useful not only for fertilizing plants, but also for plant care.

Elastic and firm skin at your fingertips.  Just use coffee grounds

Coffee grounds in body care

One cup of coffee every day can have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. However, it turns out that coffee can also be used in everyday care. The remains of this drink are rich in sugars, which constitute about half of their weight. Moreover, they contain proteins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Coffee grounds also still contain caffeine, which has a positive effect on the body also when used externally.

Coffee grounds have exfoliating properties. They can be used as an addition to a peeling, which will perfectly remove dead skin, stimulate circulation and make the skin firm and elastic.

If we want to quickly prepare a scrub from coffee grounds, just mix them with a bit of shower gel that we use every day. Then we massage our homemade peeling into the body, starting from the legs and arms, ending with the neckline. Regular use of this peel – for example three times a week – can help fight cellulite. This is thanks to caffeine, which will stimulate circulation and improve lymph flow, and thus prevent the accumulation of water in the body.

Coffee grounds for acne and the first symptoms of aging

Not everyone realizes this, but coffee also has antibacterial properties, so they can be used to fight acne. All you need to do is mix a small amount of coffee grounds with facial cleansing gel. Apply this mixture to your face and cleanse the skin with circular movements.

This peel will not only reduce the symptoms of acne, but also has an exfoliating effect and will help unblock blocked pores. However, you have to be careful. People with severe inflammation should avoid this type of treatment because rubbing the skin may result in pain and irritation.

Coffee residue can also be used to relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. They are usually caused by excess water or improper blood flow. Coffee grounds can help with this as they stimulate lymph and blood circulation thanks to caffeine.

It is worth noting that they also contain chlorogenic cascades, which reduce inflammation around the eyes. You can also use coffee grounds when you notice the first signs of aging. Caffeine is great at restoring skin tension. You can use the coffee grounds to prepare masks to prevent sagging skin and wrinkles around the eyes.