
Hair needs regeneration after winter. These tips will help them come back to life

Hair needs regeneration after winter.  These tips will help them come back to life

Winter has already given way to spring for good. Everything is starting to come back to life, and our hair should be no exception. However, they will need some help with this. After the coldest season of the year, hair strands are dry and damaged. Fortunately, they can be regenerated. Just remember a few tricks.

Hair needs regeneration after winter.  These tips will help them come back to life

Hair after winter. How to take care of them?

Depending on the season, our hair will have different needs. Unfortunately, winter is one of the most difficult periods for them. Negative temperatures, high humidity outside combined with dry air indoors did not have a positive effect on the condition of our hair. We also cannot forget about frequent vitamin deficiency. As a result, the hair looks worse, is weaker and often begins to fall out. So with the arrival of spring, it will be necessary to take care of the regeneration of our strands. The only question left is: how to do it?

The first and most important rule should not surprise anyone. First of all, your hair needs to be moisturized. Without it, our strands become dull, dry and break easily. This point is therefore an undisputed priority. Therefore, it is worth reaching for a highly moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Products containing aloe, honey, hyaluronic acid, panthenol and urea will work best. It is also worth limiting treatments that additionally dry the hair, such as dyeing, bleaching or perming.

You cannot also forget about replenishing the vitamins missing in the body. If we neglect this, it will be difficult for us to get our hair in good condition. It is important to eat vegetables and fruit and drink water regularly. To keep our strands healthy, we will need vitamins A, D, E, K and B vitamins.

Take care of your hair after winter. These tips are worth following

If we want our strands to be in the best possible condition, it is worth remembering to oil them after winter. This treatment does not appeal to everyone, but that is not to say that it is not effective. What’s more, it doesn’t require any special skills or spending a small fortune. The only thing you need to remember is regular use. Thanks to this, we will provide our hair with nourishment and hydration, and our strands will be soft and shiny.

The next point is nothing more than trimming the ends. Unfortunately, there is no other solution for such damaged hair. Failure to do so, however, may result in negative consequences. Our hair will then break and look “like hay”.

After winter, it is also worth slowing down your styling, especially when using high temperatures. If we cannot do without a curling iron or straightener, we should remember to use heat protection cosmetics. It is also worth minimizing the use of creams, mousses and styling varnishes, as they weigh the hair down heavily.

It will be a good idea to consider using scalp peels. This will help take care of your strands and ensure proper hydration. After all, a healthy scalp means healthy hair. You can make peelings yourself at home or buy ready-made products in the store.