Would controlling one's behavior, actions and decisions be the key to a peaceful life and a way to achieve one's goals? That's what Jemma Sbeg, an Australian psychologist and creator of the That Psychology podcast, thinks. TipsForWomens enlightens you.
“Self-discipline” or “self-control” in French could be defined as a self-discipline that would allow us to control our behaviors, our actions and our decisions in order to achieve our life goals more serenely. A trend addressed by an Australian psychologist, Jemma Sbeg.
Learning to love yourself, a priority of “self-discipline”
According to the expert, the main key to “self-discipline” is learning to love yourself. “The secret to self-discipline might be self-love. This sounds a little ridiculous, but how are you supposed to have self-control and the motivation to do everything you want to do, if you don't even love yourself?” she asks in one of her podcasts That Psychology. She adds “All goals you want to achieve take investment, but if you don't love yourself first, how are you going to achieve them? They will then never be good, it will never be enough. And this will require more energy, more time to achieve your goals“. Self-esteem and self-confidence would thus be the key to self-control and self-discipline. A phenomenon which invades personal development books, but also great athletes.
Good in his body, good in his head!
Know yourself better to develop your “self-discipline”
To achieve self-discipline, you must first know yourself better. The idea here is to take the time necessary to understand our functioning in different “states” (you are happy, motivated, sad, stressed or angry). Some points need to be discussed with yourself:
- Your values;
- Your needs ;
- Your limits;
- You forces;
- Your weaknesses.
Write down in a notebook all the elements that make you who you are, without trying to appear perfect. The objective is not to “erase” your imperfections but rather to better understand them in order to turn them into a strength and to be able to continue moving towards your objectives. A state of mind that you can apply in your personal but also professional life. To help you see things more clearly, don’t hesitate to ask those close to you. Indeed, external views can sometimes reveal certain strengths/weaknesses that you would not have identified. Finally, to develop your self-esteem, adopt a routine that allows you to highlight your successes, whether personal, sporting or professional. A good way to motivate yourself to achieve your goals!