
How many times a year should you wash your duvet?

How many times a year should you wash your duvet?

This is a question you have often asked yourself. How often should you (really) wash your duvet? If the experts multiply the answers on this subject, the magazine 60 million consumers has decided.

Wash your duvet: what for?

Many French people think that it is not necessary to wash your duvet. Serious error. Like sheets or pillowcases, the duvet also deserves to be washed. Regular washing allows you to:

  • To extend its lifespan;
  • To eliminate dust, bacteria, mites and skin particles, which love to nestle in your duvet;
  • To avoid the appearance of yellow spots, which are due to the accumulation of bodily fluids, such as perspiration;
  • To eliminate any bad odors;
  • To restore shine to your duvet. After a good wash, it will be like new!

Clean your duvet: how often?

According to the magazine 60 million consumers, you should not wash your duvet too regularly – no more than once a year.

The most useful wash will probably be the first, right after purchase, before installing your duvet in its cover. This initial wash will rid your duvet of some chemical residue (…)”, continues the magazine.

Another tip to follow: check the label of said duvet.

Many comforters are machine washable, but some require dry cleaning. This is particularly recommended for duvets with silk fiber filling.“, the newspaper further details. Finally, “If washing in the washing machine is possible, make sure beforehand that the volume of yours is sufficient. Because during washing, duvets become saturated with water and gain a lot of weight..”

In fact, a washing machine with a capacity of 7 or 8 kg “will only be able to wash a 140 x 200 duvet“. Beyond, “you will need to aim for a 12 kg washing machine for a 220 x 240 duvet“.

Also remember to dose the liquid detergent correctly (be careful never to add fabric softener) then run a program adapted to your duvet.

Now all you have to do is plan a good spring cleaning!

About author

Maria Teolis is a psychologist. Collaborator at the Elpis Center of Ispra (Varese) multidisciplinary study specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders (behavioral disorders, learning, etc.), psychotherapy for children and adults, psychomotor, pedagogical, speech therapy, educational and osteopathic treatment, where she deals with training activities and strengthening specific skills and is involved in different types of projects aimed at children and adolescents. It collaborates with a cooperative offering educational and support services to children and young people with behavioral problems, learning or problems of different nature related to the evolutionary sphere. Attentive to the aspects of psycho-motor development, she carries out activities with children aimed at strengthening and increasing motor, emotional and relational skills. She currently attends a master in Sports Psychology. [email protected]