Natural remedies

Sinusitis: which essential oil to treat it?

Sinusitis: which essential oil to treat it?

Why and how to use an essential oil to soothe sinusitis? Which one to choose ? We take stock with Laure Martinat, expert in phyto-aromatherapy and micronutrition.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is part of the family of affections ORL : It’s about a inflammation of the sinuses. “The sinuses are air cavities located at the level of the bones of the face, around the eyes and the nose. There are several sinuses: maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal and sphenoidal“, explains Laure Martinat, expert in phyto-aromatherapy and micronutrition. During sinusitis, she continues, “the inflammatory mucosa is edematous, congested and there is a increased mucus production which is also thicker.

The different types of sinusitis

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis is most often caused by infection, bacterial or viral or may be secondary to an allergy (allergic rhinosinusitis).

Symptoms of acute sinusitis:

Symptoms-wise, this acute sinusitis manifests itself as a congestion nasalefrom feverpain and a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the affected sinuses and headache. The most common form of acute sinusitis is what we call maxillary sinusitis.

Chronic sinusitis

When it occurs chronically, it is due to inflammation of the sinuses and generally lasts more than 3 months. Chronic sinusitis is linked to recurring infection, sometimes poorly treated, to an allergy or to polyps.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are a feeling of pain, fullness or heaviness in the sinuses affected, headachefrom fatigueor even other symptoms depending on the cause.

“The symptoms vary a little depending on the sinuses affected and the context surrounding the sinusitis also varies”, indicates the expert in phyto-aromatherapy and micronutrition. For example, “maxillary sinusitis, which is the most common, most often occurs during a cold (nasopharyngitis)”, she explains. This condition is therefore of viral origin. In addition to cold symptoms (rhinorrhea, nasal congestion etc.), there is pain and a feeling of fullness/heaviness under the cheekbones, headaches. Furthermore, “a bacterial superinfection is always possible”she warns.

Which essential oil to unclog the sinuses?

Several essential oils (EO) can be used in synergy to unclog the nose and respiratory tract according to our expert.

What is the most decongestant essential oil?

Peppermint EO or field mint EO

This essential oil has vasoconstrictor properties. Indeed, thanks to its menthol content, mint essential oil helps to fight against edema and nasal congestion. Mint essential oil can be combined with other essential oils depending on the context.

We mainly distinguish the infectious sinusitis and the allergic sinusitis. For example, in cases of maxillary sinusitis caused by an infection during a rhinopharyngitewe can use tea tree, eucalyptus or ravintsara essential oils.

Why use tea tree (tea tree essential oil)

In case of sinusitis, tea tree essential oil is a antiviral very effective and also supports immunity by boosting immune defenses.

How to use radiated eucalyptus?

Used in the form of essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil is rich in 1.8 cineole, which gives it the majority of its virtues: fluidifying, eucalyptus essential oil facilitates the elimination of secretions. She is too antivirals et anti-inflammatory.

How to use Ravintsara essential oil?

Among the essential oils, there is also ravintsara essential oil, considered a major EO in aromatherapy, in particular to help fight against viral infections, free the respiratory sphere (respiratory tracts). Ravintsara essential oil also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Dosage and method of administration:

The use of essential oils must be done with caution, whether it is the method of administration or the dosage.

Which essential oil for sinusitis in inhalation?

Here are the preparation tips and recommendations from the phyto-aromatherapy expert to relieve the sinuses through the use of essential oils in inhalation:

  • Mix 15 drops of tea trea (tea tree), 15 drops of ravintsara, 15 drops of radiant eucalyptus and 10 drops of peppermint in a tinted glass bottle;
  • Shake the bottle containing the drops of essential oil to mix well;
  • Pour the hot water into a bowl (not boiling) and add 2 drops of the mixture thus prepared;
  • We use a clean cotton cloth to make a chimney around the nose and mouth and we keep our eyes closed. We inhale the bowl of hot water for around ten minutes and repeat 3 to 4 times a day for approximately 3 to 5 days.

You can also use an inhaler which avoids having to use a cotton cloth and better protects the face and eyes (available in pharmacies). Finally, it is also possible to use drops of essential oil in dry inhalation by breathing directly into the bottle or by placing a few drops of essential oil on a tissue.

How to calm sinusitis quickly using essential oils?

Which essential oils to soothe and relieve acute sinusitis without delay? And, in what form should I use it?

In case of acute bacterial or viral sinusitis, thujanol thyme essential oil is a reference”, according to Laure Martinat. As for preparation, pour 1 drop into a teaspoon of honey 3 times a day. Place the mixture in the mouth and press the tongue firmly against the roof of the mouth before swallowing so that the EO diffuses well into the ENT area. To be reserved for adults (excluding pregnancy and breastfeeding) and children, from adolescence only. In case of asthma, seek medical advice beforehand.

Oils applied in massage to treat sinusitis

“We can also apply EOs locally (in the form of massages in local application) to the affected sinuses, either diluted in a vegetable oil or as a poultice in green clay”, suggests the aromatherapy specialist. For example, we combine the EO of thyme with linalool (not to be confused with thyme with thujanol), ravintsara, tea tree (tea tree) and true lavender: 1 drop of each in 5 drops of HV of apricot kernel: massage into the sinuses 3 times a day. These same EOs can be poured into a tablespoon of apricot kernel vegetable oil and then added to green clay to make a paste that is applied to the sinuses. This local application is also exclusively reserved for adults, excluding pregnant and breastfeeding women, and adolescents (not for babies and younger children) and requires the agreement of your doctor in the event of asthma.

At the same time, you can also use the inhalation preparation presented above. Important according to Laure Martinat: do not forget the associated measures: washing your nose several times a day with a hypertonic seawater spray (sold in pharmacies or drugstores). And follow herbal medicine and micronutrition advice to possibly combine the intake of essential oils with that of echinacea, zinc, vitamin C, thyme infusion, etc.

What about chronic sinusitis?

Before trying to treat it with essential oils, “we especially need to know why there is chronic sinusitis”, advises allergy Laure Martinat. What is the cause ? Is it due to a poorly treated infection? Has an anatomical anomaly? Has polyps? Poorly treated dental infections? Indeed, the priority here is treatment of the cause obviously.

For example, in the event ofallergieswe must treat the allergy. “We are going to use anti-allergic EOs, such as EO from german chamomile which is anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine and is associated withgreen myrtle essential oil (mucolytic, it thins secretions)”. A drop of each in a little arnica oily macerate : apply a few drops of the mixture to the sides of the nose and just at the entrance to the nose to soothe the signs of pollen allergy for example.

To be reserved for adults and adolescents except pregnant and breastfeeding women. This phytotherapeutic treatment is also contraindicated in cases of thyroid disorders and its administration must be done on medical advice in cases of asthma. “In herbal medicine and micronutrition, we combine anti-allergic active ingredients such as lanceolate plantain and manganese.“, adds the specialist.

Essential oils: what contraindications?

The use of these essential oils in the treatment of sinusitis is reserved for adults and adolescents (not in babies and young children), except pregnant and breastfeeding women. Laure Martinat also recalls “do not use them in cases of asthma, allergies, or situations at risk of epilepsy”.