
Skin streaming is taking social media by storm. What is the new beauty trend?

Skin streaming is taking social media by storm.  What is the new beauty trend?

Every now and then you can find new videos and beauty tips on social media. Unfortunately, some of them are not worth recommending, so it is worth analyzing how a given trend affects health. However, a new feature has appeared called skin streaming. What is that? We explain why this time it is worth taking into account the current fashion.

Skin streaming is taking social media by storm.  What is the new beauty trend?

Skin care can be tricky. Especially when it comes to hormonal changes, allergies or other problems. Unfortunately, until now, intensive masking of problems has been quite popular. The latest trend focuses on minimalism, thanks to which the skin gains radiance and has a chance to get rid of existing ailments.

Skin streaming – what is the new fashion?

Skin streaming is a new approach to care. Everything focuses on limiting the products used so that the skin is not burdened but taken care of. There are a few simple rules that, when introduced into your daily routine, will help you not only regain your former shine, but also save on unnecessary cosmetics.

First, focus on quality. Products with good composition nourish the skin instead of clogging pores. It is extremely important to adapt the type of care to the skin type. Sometimes we may misjudge its type, so it is worth visiting a dermatologist to determine whether your skin requires the use of cosmetics for oily, sensitive, dry, normal or combination skin.

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Proper diagnosis is the key to finding a remedy for skin problems. Another important issue is quantity. In the past, creams, bases, foundations, powders, etc. were applied. Currently, it is recommended to use a maximum of two layers of cosmetics on the face.

This means that minimalism based on quality and well-matched cosmetics can prevent clogging of pores, so that blackheads and inflammation disappear, and the skin gains vitality and a beautiful, healthy appearance.

Skin care in a few steps, i.e. skin streaming under the microscope

If you still don’t know what skin streaming care should look like, first get rid of unnecessary products. Simple tips are helpful in making your decision.

Check which cosmetic is used for cleansing, which for moisturizing and which protects against UV radiation. Then get rid of what is unnecessary, and it is best to start by checking the composition. If it turns out that it is not very valuable, and what’s worse, it is incompatible with your skin type, the next step should be short but high-quality shopping.

It is worth choosing one specific cream with a UV filter that contains hyaluronic acid with a moisturizing effect and vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant and a remedy for discoloration. Thanks to this, you only apply one layer to your face. Of course, the initial phase, i.e. proper cleansing of the skin, is also crucial. However, immediately after this treatment, you can save your skin from too many layers by providing it with comprehensive care.