Health and Fitness

Thanks to good actions, she saves an 18-month-old child who chokes on a croissant

Thanks to good actions, she saves an 18-month-old child who chokes on a croissant

Last Saturday in Montpellier during a circus show, a little girl stopped breathing after choking on a croissant. She was saved by one of the artists who had the right reflexes. Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician, reminds us of the emergency instructions.

It was during a circus performance in the city of Montpellier that a one and a half year old girl entered into severe respiratory distress under the helpless gaze of her parents. While eating a croissant, she was the victim of a misdirection which cut off her breathing and could have been fatal.

A circus artist reacts quickly

Luckily, as the daily newspaper reveals Free MiddayCarolina, a circus artist but who is also a surgical nurse, understands what is happening and reacts with professionalism:

“She took the baby and checked if the heart was beatingsays a witness to the scene. Then, she listened to see if breathing was at least present. The poor baby was already blue from lack of oxygen. She then put her hand in her mouth trying to remove a piece of croissant, which she managed to do. Then she did mouth-to-mouth breathing for air because she could hear a slight breathing.”

Cold blood and knowledge of the rescue actions that saved the little girl’s life. Arriving on site, the SAMU transported the little girl to the pediatric emergency room of the Montpellier University Hospital for a check-up. She is unharmed today.

The right actions in case of misdirection and suffocation

For Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of TipsForWomens, this story, which could have been tragic, is an opportunity to remember the right actions when we witness a wrong turn.

In case of total obstruction

When an obstruction is total, that is to say when the person can no longer breathe at all, no longer make a sound, turns blue and/or loses consciousness, there is a risk of cardiac arrest. It is therefore advisable to give 5 big slaps on the victim’s back followed by the Heimlich maneuver (which consists of placing a closed fist between the navel and the lower end of the person’s sternum and pushing this fist strongly towards you and upwards) to clear the tracks. And continue this until it unlocks.

“Sometimes the foreign body is high up, so there you can actually have the reflex to remove it with your fingers” specifies our expert.

In case of total obstruction on a baby

The method is the same but adapts to the baby’s body. ”We position the child on his knee, stomach on the knee, face down, and we give a slap between the shoulder blades. Then we turn it over to produce a movement of hyperpressure on the abdomen.

In case of partial obstruction

Be careful not to make untimely movements in the case of a partial obstruction, that is to say when the person can still cough or breathe. This could make the situation worse. But the person must consult a health professional quickly if the discomfort persists.

The croissant, a dangerous option for toddlers.

Finally, it is also useful to remember that a croissant, like a mille-feuille, can represent a risk for a young child. “Its thin paste can create quite dangerous false paths, because it sticks and clogs the walls. Even with the right gestures, the piece of croissant can swell without always being able to be expelled” warns our expert. So avoid it.