
The best way to deal with dark circles under the eyes. Combine 3 ingredients and after 15 minutes you will see the results

The best way to deal with dark circles under the eyes.  Combine 3 ingredients and after 15 minutes you will see the results

Lots of preparations, many hours in the kitchen, decorating the Christmas tree, cleaning. These are just a few of the basic activities that have been keeping us up at night lately. Often even literally, that’s why it’s worth preparing a simple home mask, thanks to which our skin will be rested and dark circles under the eyes will disappear.

The best way to deal with dark circles under the eyes.  Combine 3 ingredients and after 15 minutes you will see the results

Although we try to distribute the responsibilities so that they do not pile up on the last day, despite our will, it is not always possible to implement our plans. Stress, insufficient sleep and a lot of responsibilities affect our complexion, and we want to be beautiful not only on Christmas Eve. That’s why a three-ingredient mask will come in handy.

How to take care of beautiful skin. Give her a break

Swollen and tired face, plus dark circles under the eyes. We often try to save this look with makeup, but it is also not very effective. The complexion is affected by strong emotions such as stress or insufficient sleep. Therefore, it is worth making sure to go to bed a little earlier at least one evening during the holidays and relax your body.

Before you go to bed, prepare a simple homemade mask that will relax and nourish your face and reduce dark circles under the eyes. All you need are three ingredients, which you probably have at home. The base for the mask is ground coffee beans and honey, and if you have a serum with vitamin C or vitamin E, be sure to add a few drops.

Thanks to caffeine, you will stimulate circulation in the skin, thanks to which, during sleep, the skin will gain additional energy for regeneration and in the morning the face will be rested and dark circles under the eyes will disappear. Coffee beans also contain strong antioxidants that fight free radicals. A mask with this addition will smooth out wrinkles, have anti-inflammatory properties and nourish the skin.

Honey, in turn, perfectly moisturizes the skin and soothes any irritations. Therefore, the homemade mask is suitable for people with oily, combination and dry skin. The addition of serum will give your face a unique glow.

A way to remove dark circles under the eyes. Combine two treatments

Sometimes an eye cream helps. However, it is also worth trying other methods for dark circles under the eyes. One of them is Kobido massage. Just a few minutes in the morning or evening are enough to stimulate the lymph, reduce facial swelling and get rid of dark circles. Immediately after this treatment, apply our mask and your skin will regain its radiance.


  • 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee,
  • a teaspoon of honey,
  • 3 drops of serum with vitamins.

Combine all ingredients and apply to a cleansed and dried face. Wait 15 minutes and then wash off with plenty of water.