
Therapeutic pedicure – what is it and what effects does it give?

Therapeutic pedicure - what is it and what effects does it give?

Therapeutic pedicure will deal with such ailments as painful foot problems, corns, calluses, corns or ingrown nails. A qualified beautician will perform a therapeutic pedicure and tell you how to take care of your feet. Read what it is and what effects this treatment gives – the answer is provided by Joanna Kalbarczyk, the Polish champion at the First Championships in Specialist Foot Care.

The beautician does a pedicure


  • Why are healthy feet so important?
  • What is a therapeutic pedicure?
  • Does a therapeutic pedicure hurt?
  • What are the effects of a therapeutic pedicure?
  • Who should apply for a therapeutic pedicure?
  • How to choose a salon that offers therapeutic pedicure?
  • Therapeutic pedicure will be especially useful for people whose foot problems are genetically determined. Some people have a tendency to corns, calluses, ingrown nails (e.g. tubular nails) and have to devote a lot of time to foot care every day, in addition to regular check-ups at the office. Therapeutic pedicure is an effective type of foot disease prevention.

    Why are healthy feet so important?

    Joanna Kalbarczyk: It’s not just the aesthetic aspect and well-being. Tired and sore have a bad effect on the condition of our joints, knees and spine. If we have painful abrasions on the foot, we bend it and bend it when we walk to avoid pain – as a result, we unnaturally burden the spine and joints. You need to take care of your legs just like any other organ. In case of a problem, you should opt for a therapeutic pedicure.

    What is a therapeutic pedicure?

    JK.: Therapeutic pedicure is nothing more than a care pedicure extended to the removal of corns, calluses or the application of a brace for ingrown nails. This term also includes the reconstruction of damaged nails, as well as help in the treatment of mycosis. In the latter case, the treatment is carried out in cooperation with a doctor and consists of several stages.

    It is then necessary not only to use oral medications, but also to remove fungal lesions. Then, a special bactericidal gel is applied to the nail, which prevents the nail from growing in and at the same time serves to reconstruct the nail plate. The duration of individual treatments depends on individual problems, but together with a full cosmetic pedicure it takes about an hour, sometimes an hour and a half.

    Also read: How is nail fungus treated?

    Does a therapeutic pedicure hurt?

    JK.: No way! Putting a brace on an ingrown toenail is painless. Today, such nails are no longer torn out as they used to be. Picking off nails without taking other solutions is considered a malpractice. The same applies to corns – specialized high-quality equipment (e.g. a high-speed milling machine instead of a traditional grater or razor blade) is designed to remove hardened skin in such a way that the client does not feel the slightest discomfort.

    In addition, more serious thickening is removed in stages – during two, sometimes several visits. If the client so desires, he or she may receive anesthesia. But for that, you need a doctor. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth doing this. Professional staff will deal with serious problems really painlessly.

    What are the effects of a therapeutic pedicure?

    JK.: Certainly, regardless of the problems – even in the case of an ingrown and inflamed toenail, immediate relief is felt right after the braces are put on. The same is true when removing painful calluses or corns. In more serious cases, one treatment is not enough, sometimes a follow-up visit or several visits to the office are necessary.

    Who should apply for a therapeutic pedicure?

    JK.: First of all, people with foot problems, i.e. diabetes in the first place (diabetic neuropathy leading to injuries, and then to amputation) – in these cases, negligence can lead to very serious complications, as well as people who are overweight.

    Pregnant women should also pay special attention to their feet. During this time, they experience a sudden increase in body weight, while the foot increases by one, sometimes two sizes. In such a situation, it is easy to get damage, abrasions, and even more serious changes.

    People who are concerned about such problems as swelling around the nail, ingrown plate, non-healing, oozing abrasions or wounds, calluses, painful or cracking heels, changes in the color or structure of the nail plate should also apply for a therapeutic pedicure.

    How to choose a salon that offers therapeutic pedicure?

    JK.: Sterilization of tools is of great importance. This is extremely important, because the skin may break during the procedure – it is not uncommon for clients to come to the salon with advanced inflammation or mycosis. Tools that cannot be sterilized should be disposable, just like the rest of the auxiliary equipment, i.e. bags for lining the bathtub, towels, etc. Carefully choosing the office, we will be sure that the help we get will be professional.