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Weekly horoscope from 8 to 14 May 2023: heart problems for Capricorn …

Weekly horoscope from 8 to 14 May 2023: heart problems for Capricorn ...
Weekly horoscope from 8 to 14 May 2023: heart problems for Capricorn ...

This week the planet Venus in the sign of Cancer will give poor Capricorns a hard time in love, and not just them… And you, what sign are you? Find out with us what the stars have in store for you this week!

Aries: heart problems…

Dear Aries, Venus in an unfavorable position risks bringing some more tension and quarrels into your life as a couple. Pay particular attention to nervous moon days, those of Tuesday and Wednesday, when clashes with your partner could get heated. To attempt a more conciliatory dialogue, it is better to focus on the more serene days of Thursday and Friday. Good news arriving in the workplace, despite the tiredness…

Taurus: Lots of luck!

Dear Taurus, you are in a period of great strength: the conjunction of Mercury, that of the Sun and – shortly – that of Jupiter will soon bring you wonderful news! The results and recognition you were waiting for are finally arriving at work. Even love smiles at you: all thanks to a splendid Venus ready to bring passion and sharing into your life. Lucky Moon Days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Gemini: tense week…

Dear Gemini, your week unfortunately begins with a moon in opposition, which could bring a bit of nervousness and some bad moods… Despite this, however, you can count on the favor of the planet Jupiter, which will help you soon carry out an important project or find the right allies to do it. Tensions in the family between Saturday and Sunday, when an unfavorable moon will make dialogue more difficult.

Cancer: long live love!

Dear Cancer, this week the planet Venus in conjunction will make you feel all its benevolent strength: some wonderful news is coming regarding the sentimental field! Singles should keep their eyes peeled because the stars will guarantee meetings to remember… A little more tension, however, in the workplace, and in particular on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, when the moon will be in opposition.

Leo: a few more obstacles…

Dear Leo, don’t worry too much if you find a few more obstacles on your way this week, especially in the professional field: Mercury in an unfavorable position could create slowdowns or not make things go exactly as you expected, but everything will go back to normal thanks to the favor of Jupiter! Pay particular attention to the nervous days of Thursday and Friday, when you will also have the moon in opposition.

Virgo: a “positive crisis”…

Dear Virgo, this week you can count on both the favor of Venus and Mercury, ready to give you luck in both sentimental and professional spheres. There will be decisive encounters or new opportunities that could even throw some of your certainties into crisis… but it won’t be a “negative” crisis, just a way to rethink your life starting from yourself and what really suits you by heart.

Libra: a little more patience…

Dear Libra, one more week of patience and then everything will be better! The planet Jupiter will remain in opposition to your sign for a few more days, then the knots will come home to roost and you will rediscover a bit of the serenity that you have lacked in recent months… In the meantime, you have to deal with Venus and Mars in an unfavorable position , which could bring you tensions and arguments both at work and in the family.

Scorpio: Venus takes care of it!

Dear Scorpio, Mercury’s opposition puts a few more obstacles on your path, and in particular on your professional one: don’t worry, starting next week – when you will have the favor of a powerful Jupiter in Pisces on your side – the situation will not what to improve! In the meantime, you can count on a beautiful Venus on your side, ready to give you luck in love. The weekend, even with a beautiful favorable moon, will be particularly romantic.

Sagittarius: with the moon in the sign!

Dear Sagittarius, your week begins with a beautiful moon in conjunction with your sign, ready to give you much more luck. Thursday and Friday will also be a harbinger of good news, while some tensions could arise between Saturday and Sunday. Be especially careful, if you argue with your partner, not to say things you might regret… Jupiter helps you complete a project at work in the best possible way.

Capricorn: heartbreak…

Dear Capricorn, it’s not an easy time for your sign, forced to deal with the double opposition of the planet Venus and the planet Mars: stress and tiredness make you lose some lucidity (which you hate), while discussions with your partner will deprive you of more and more energy… Bet everything on Tuesday and Wednesday, when a beautiful moon in conjunction will give you a little serenity and luck.

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About author

Hello! I am Sleepy Shockley and I am a student of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies at the State University of Milan. I have always had a great passion for skincare and make-up, especially since I started suffering from a bad late acne about 6 years ago! From that moment I started to take care of my skin in a loving way and to get passionate in a huge way in the fantastic world of skin care. Thanks to my studies, I was able to deepen my passion from a pharmacological and pathological point of view, really learning a lot about the mechanisms that are the basis of the most common skin diseases and skin aging. In my posts I always try to analyze products in a simple and understandable way for everyone, highlighting the properties of the active ingredients so that everyone is able to choose the most suitable ones for himself! I also have great passions for all pets and I love drawing so much in my spare time!