
8 signs that we are thinking too much

8 signs that we are thinking too much

Are you the type to ruminate over facts and words ten times before acting? What if you worry a little too much? Here are 8 signs to spot and advice from our psychologist Johanna Rozenblum to get out of this sterile rumination.

“Why did he answer me in that tone?”, “Why did I talk about that?”… Do you have the habit of piling up sentences and questions in your mind, rehashing to the point of discouragement? Maybe you’re thinking a little too much. A blockage that psychologist Michaela Dunbar suggests detecting via 8 behaviors on her Instagram page. Do you recognize yourself?

8 Signs You’re Overthinking

Thus, people who think excessively would accumulate these various signs:

  • The constant need to get back to the root of the problem, with a word. In short, why did someone say what they said, why did they leave this comment? The question leaves room for real reflection which wishes to know the foundations and the reasons;
  • Incomprehension in the face of abrupt responses. Did someone respond to you a bit harshly? Here you are, wondering all day long if someone is reproaching you for something, if it’s a personal attitude. Without considering that this may simply be external to your exchange;
  • The need to understand what others think. This requires analyzing non-verbal communication, for example. The one who thinks too much will interpret the posture, the attitude of the other to draw conclusions.
  • The constant reminder of awkward moments. Yes, you made a mistake 3 years ago, at the office or with your family. But while everyone has moved on, the event comes back to you regularly;
  • The need for approval : thinking too much paradoxically leaves you in doubt (a sign that it is not of much use). Ultimately you will need to seek advice from many people to decide.
  • Sleep problems : by thinking too much, you often have difficulty falling asleep in particular.
  • The impossibility of “letting it flow” : Have you received a review? It’s never pleasant but in your case, you find it very difficult to move on.
  • The need to predict : before an important discussion, you need to plan what will be said and imagine the exchanges in advance to be able to anticipate everything.
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How to react when reflection is no longer “functional”?

Can you be blamed for thinking too much? According to psychologist Johanna Rozenblum, member of our committee of experts, the question arises when there is an excess which induces a blockage.

“Everything is fine, as long as reflection remains functional and results in decision-making and taking action. This indicates that it remains productive and allows us to rebalance emotionally. But if thinking too much ends up in us to fall into la rumination, that is to say a sterile thought in a loop which leads to no result, this is not reflection but what we call dysfunctional thinking. It leads to nothing except the feeling of failure because it cannot lead to a decision, or a liberating choice.”

So what should we do when we cultivate rumination? Two actions may be necessary according to our expert.

“Rumination is the proof that we remain in immobility. In this case, to get out of it, it is a question of initiating movement, of taking action, even if we are not not sure of the direction, to get out of this vicious circle”.

But when “ruminative” thoughts become too present and prevent you from moving forward, the other option is to consult a professional. “The work ofa psychologistit is precisely to put your finger on what is an obstacle to decision-making and to help lead the patient towards a functional reflection in front of what is an obstacle”.

About author

Gianluca Zompi (Yoga and martial arts expert) Atypical and unconventional researcher, she decides to leave his studies at the age of 15 to travel between Europe, Africa and Asia and especially India , where she currently lives and works. Over time, the research fields to which she has devoted himself most are integral yoga, psychonautics and oneironautics, mineralogy, fruit-hunting, martial arts and lifestyles related to downshifting. Although she loves metaphysics and poetry, she does not give up on practice and experiences in the field, measuring herself without presumption and without fear of change. She confesses that she is a travel-dependent , and loves to immerse himself in new realities for a long time, especially in remote countries or unique cultures. [email protected]