At just 7 years old, he saved his mother from a stroke and became a hero

At just 7 years old, he saved his mother from a stroke and became a hero

In Saint-Jean-Brévelay in Morbihan, a 7-year-old boy has been seen as a little hero since March 24. That day, his reflexes saved his mother. A beautiful story that reminds us of good actions.

“My son saved my life”. It was an emotional mother who testified on April 19 in the pages of the daily newspaper Le Télégramme. Today on her feet and out of trouble, this young woman can indeed thank Nathanaël for having acted with calm and discernment on March 24.

Child discovers his mother unconscious in her bath

That day, like any child his age, Nathanaël wanted to speak to his mother, although she had warned him of his wish to take a bath. But despite the boy's repeated calls, she does not answer. Nathanaël then decides to enter the room, and discovers his mother unconscious in the bathtub. The impressive image does not disarm the boy: while keeping his cool, he takes a telephone and dials 18 to ask for help. A reflex that will save his mother.

Because upon arriving quickly enough, the emergency services discovered that this mother was the victim of a stroke, following a ruptured aneurysm. In other words, waiting any longer could have been fatal.

The importance of knowing gestures from a young age

According to the child himself, his reaction is not heroic: he confides to the Telegram that he knows the number by heart thanks to a lesson at school. “I also learned it at home, I have a little book with it written on it“.

An example which proves that reminding children, even young ones, of simple actions and precautions in the event of an accident can save a life and a family.

React quickly in the event of a stroke

Calling for help in the event of an emergency is a reflex that helped save Nathanaël's unconscious mother. However, sometimes the signs of a stroke are less obvious and here too, it is imperative to act quickly. Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician, reminds us of the signs that should alert you:

Remember that if you are faced with a person who is having a stroke, the acronym to remember is FAST :

  • Face, for paralysis which affects the face, sometimes simply the mouth;
  • A for Arm or bras in English, because weakness of the arm is a sign of stroke;
  • S for Speech in English, due to the speech disorders that can also occur during a stroke;
  • And finally T for Time: you must act quickly, even if these signs do not accumulate, they are temporary and return to normal after a certain time