This extract will work wonders on swollen legs. Natural ways will chase away fatigue

This extract will work wonders on swollen legs.  Natural ways will chase away fatigue

Leg swelling is a problem that usually worsens on hot days. It applies in particular to people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who stand for many hours a day. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with leg swelling and pain.

This extract will work wonders on swollen legs.  Natural ways will chase away fatigue

Swelling and heaviness in the legs. This may be the cause

Swelling and pain in the legs is not a symptom that should be ignored. It may result from a sedentary lifestyle, because too little physical activity can cause blood to remain in the veins and fluid to accumulate in the intercellular spaces. Then venous return is hindered and discomfort begins to appear in the form of swelling, burning sensation on the sole of the foot or pain. The swelling may be caused by a developing thrombosis. Therefore, if we are struggling with repeated limb pain, muscle cramps, redness and tenderness – usually in one limb – we should consult a doctor.

Leg problems may also occur in people who work in a standing position. They are caused by rare changes in body position and limited movements in the legs, which contributes to swelling and pain. It is also impossible not to mention a poor diet. Namely, it is about too much salt, which can cause the body to store water. This later accumulates in the lower limbs. Moreover, it may also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption and too little fluid intake. Fortunately, there are natural ways that can help us relieve this problem.

Baths for swollen legs. These natural methods are a hit

Lower limb symptoms may be a reason to seek help. However, you don't have to spend a lot of money on professional products. Natural methods will also bring us relief and at the same time save money. Then it will be best to use herbs that can be used not only externally, but also internally. You can use them to prepare “baths” that will quickly and effectively relieve tired and swollen feet.

One of them will be chestnut bark extract. It has anti-exudative, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Thanks to its ability to seal blood vessels, it is used to alleviate the symptoms of thrombosis or varicose veins. Soaking your legs in chestnut bark extract will get rid of the feeling of heaviness and will relieve pain. Just pour two tablespoons of the extract with water and boil. Leave the mixture to cool, strain it and then soak your feet for about 5 minutes.

Mint will also help us with these ailments. Just add 2 tablespoons of dried mint leaves to about 2 liters of boiling water. Then pour the infusion into a bowl and wait until it cools down. The water in which we soak our feet should be slightly warm. Such a bath will cope with fatigue and swelling of the feet.

Soaking your feet in cool water and then replacing it with warm water will also help relieve swelling – but it is important that the water reaches above the ankles.

In the end