What is tubal catarrh?

What is tubal catarrh?

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A dysfunction of the Eustachian tube is the cause of tubal catarrh. What are the symptoms and causes of this common condition? How to treat it? Explanations from Dr Jean-Pierre Auria, ENT doctor in Toulouse.

What is the Eustachian tube used for?

A bony and cartilaginous conduit connecting part of the middle ear to the nasopharynx (the back part of the throat), the Eustachian tube measures less than 4 cm. It promotes the proper flow of secretions from the nose or ear towards the back of the throat and also plays a role in balancing functions between ventilation and pressure in the tympanic cavity. The Eustachian tube also protects against internal noises linked to chewing, swallowing and breathing.

Under the influence of various situations, the Eustachian tube can become blocked, thus preventing secretions from the middle ear from draining properly. This is called tubal catarrh.underlines Dr Jean-Pierre Auria, ENT doctor in Toulouse.

What are the causes of tubal catarrh?

Under the effect of a cold or nasopharyngitis (due to hypersecretion of mucus) or a sudden change in pressure, as is common in the mountains, inflammation (catarrh), and Eustachian tube obstruction may occur. Tubal catarrh manifests itself as a blocked ear feeling, a feeling of fullness in the ear accompanied by a resonance of the voice (autophony). In some cases, tinnitus may also be experienced, as well as pain. “These are the main symptoms of tubal catarrh. It is also the first, partially reversible, stage of seromucous otitis.adds the specialist.

If a cold or a variation in atmospheric pressure represent the main causes of tubal catarrh, they are not the only ones. An anatomical feature, such as a deviation of the nasal septum, can also contribute to the occurrence of tubal catarrh.

In addition, in children with large adenoids, the Eustachian tube, which becomes operational from the age of 8, can easily be obstructed. “This situation favors the occurrence of serous ear infections, sometimes recurrent, which we must know how to treat correctly in order to avoid recurrences.”explains Dr Jean-Pierre Auria.

When this situation becomes too frequent, or even becomes chronic, it is important to consult a doctor. “It is indeed advisable to check for the presence of possible polyps which could be the cause of nasal obstruction., continues the specialist. More rare, cancer of the cavum, this area located at the back of the nose, can also be the cause of the discomfort felt.

The causes of tubal catarrh can therefore be perfectly benign but also potentially serious. It is therefore not a symptom to be neglected.

How to unclog the Eustachian tube?

If tubal catarrh is caused by a common cold, the situation usually resolves on its own, with the cold curing, within a few days or a week. In order to improve the general condition, washing the nose regularly with physiological serum is particularly recommended. “I also sometimes prescribe a vasoconstrictor treatment with a corticosteroid to help decongest the Eustachian tube.details Dr Jean-Pierre Auria.

If the situation does not improve over time, medical examinations will be recommended. “This generally involves an endoscopy to examine the back of the nose, or even a CT scan, depending on the symptoms observed”specifies the ENT.

In severe cases, trans-tympanic ventilation tubes (the famous yoyo) may be offered in order to rebalance the pressure in the ear.

What to do if you have a cold?

If you have a cold, avoid sniffling and practice good nasal hygiene, using a physiological serum, for the duration of your cold. These hygiene rules are particularly recommended for children, in order to prevent the occurrence of ear infections in those who may be predisposed.