Sleeping with your pet: good or bad idea?

Sleeping with your pet: good or bad idea?

It's hard to resist the face of our four-legged friends when they beg us to get on the bed. However, sleeping with your furball can have consequences according to experts.

At bedtime, many pets follow their owners into the bedroom. Some have their own sleeping space, but others invite themselves on the bed, and sometimes even under the duvet! Research shows that of the 90 million European households that own at least one pet, 45% of dogs and 60% of cats are allowed on the bed, and 18% of dogs and 30% of cats sleep with their owners at home. inside the bed. Although it is pleasant and safe to sleep with your animal, it can involve risks on several levels for the animal and man.

Disturbed sleep

Sharing your bed with your furball can disrupt everyone's sleep. Animal and human movements can lead to reduced sleep efficiency. It is better that your four-legged friend has his own bed in the room.

Unwanted guests

Another parameter not to be underestimated, pets sometimes bring unwanted guests into the home: ticks, lice, bedbugs, fleas, mites, etc. These small insects can pass from the animal to its owner and cause various infections.

The risk of allergies

Sharing your bed with your pet can also be a source of allergies. Prolonged contact with our pets' hair dander and dust increases the risk of allergic reactions.

Consult a doctor online for your sleep problems

Behavioral problems in your pet

Some animals can develop a behavioral disorder, linked in particular to separation, by sleeping in the same bed as their owner. If this co-sleeping ritual is already well and truly established and your pet has difficulty sleeping alone, a little training and the help of a professional trainer can help find a balance.