Eating bread with every meal, a good or bad idea? The experts have decided

Eating bread with every meal, a good or bad idea?  The experts have decided

Can we eat bread with every meal without health consequences? Find out everything you need to know about this food and what is the ideal amount to consume daily.

An essential food in Europe, bread is very present in the French diet. According to a survey carried out by QualiQuanti for the Federation of Bakery and Pastry Companies (FEB), 82% of French people eat bread every day. But is consuming it at every meal really good for your health? We will explain everything to you !

Bread: a good source of fiber

With the reputation of making your stomach swell, bread is often put aside when you pay attention to your figure. However, experts point out that it has many benefits for the body. This food, rich in cereals, is an excellent source of fiber. Result: it is very filling and promotes the proper functioning of transit.

Bread is therefore an interesting element which guarantees a very good energy intake. There is therefore no point in banning it if you want to lose weight. The real question is more about how much and how often you consume it.

What are the consequences of eating too much bread?

As with all foods, excessive consumption can cause weight gain and bloating. Even more so if you eat bread in addition to other starchy foods (pasta, potatoes, etc.)!

And not all bread is equal! Each flour has its own glycemic index. Avoid as much as possible the white flour found in sandwich bread or in traditional bread. It has a very high glycemic index and may increase your blood sugar levels. Result: you are more likely to gain weight!

Experts recommend choosing rye bread, spelled bread, or wholemeal or semi-wholemeal flour. They will have better benefits for your body.

What is the recommended dose?

But then what is the experts’ verdict? You can eat bread with every meal… but as long as you do not exceed the dose of 100 grams of bread per day. You must also take into account your other starchy intakes.

Regarding the time of day: no rules! You can eat bread both in the morning and in the evening. It all depends on the nutritional balance of your meals.

White bread: discover eight healthier alternatives!

Slide: White bread: discover eight healthier alternatives!