
Mantras that help you lose weight with positive thinking

Mantra: le frasi che ti aiutano a dimagrire

Did you know that mantras can reinforce your beliefs and help you always keep your goal in mind?

Before jumping into a project, it’s important that you ask yourself if you’re really prepared to face it, so you don’t give up at the first hurdle.

Going on a diet can make you insecure because sometimes staying in line is hard and temptations are just around the corner. It is therefore essential to understand why you decided to start this journey and always keep your motivations in mind, because they are the ones that will give you the strength to keep going every day! There are some key concepts that can help you in this experience and we will call them “mantras”.

What is a mantra

The “mantra” is a word or phrase to be repeated mentally to help you overcome difficulties or face reality better.

You can recite it or sing it mentally: it’s a simple improvement tool that can help you reach your goal more easily.

10 mantras to repeat every day

Here are 10 phrases chosen for you by Tipsforwomens, to be repeated every day to start the diet on the right foot!

1 – Mantra: work on self-esteem

Self-esteem is important to the success of a diet.

Mantra: I decided to go on a diet for me and to feel better about my body.

2 – Work on awareness

Understanding why you want to start a diet and repeating it to yourself every morning will help you be stronger.

Mantra: I follow this diet to…(get back in shape, health, etc.)

3 – Work on joy

When you start a new adventure, you must be bursting with enthusiasm. It’s not because you’re on a diet that you shouldn’t laugh! Laugh like a child! A 4-year-old laughs an average of 400 times a day, while an adult only 15!

Mantra: I chose to follow a diet, nobody forced me to do it… it’s not a punishment or a sacrifice, but a way to improve myself.

4 – Work on self-indulgence and patience

Don’t be in a hurry and, if you don’t get the results you expected right away, don’t get discouraged.

Mantra: I haven’t lost any weight this week even though I’ve been on the diet, but I feel lighter already!

5 – Work on love for yourself

It’s important to love yourself even with a few extra pounds so you don’t start your diet in an atmosphere of anger that will make you explode as soon as you encounter a difficulty. Rosaria tells you, who lost so many kilos with the Tipsforwomens diet! Read her story: “Loving yourself is everything“!

Mantra (to be repeated in front of the mirror): I’m beautiful even with a few extra pounds and I love my shapes.

6 – Work on time management

Are you forced to stay in the office at lunchtime? Take a few minutes away from the computer and enjoy your sandwich.

Tipsforwomens is one of the few diets that allows you to eat a sandwich for lunch: a perfect alternative to give yourself a tasty break even if you’re busy.

Mantra: When I eat, I focus on the present moment and on what I eat. I turn off my cell phone, TV and computer.

7 – Work on taking care of yourself

Even if you’re alone, cook something good, set the table carefully and maybe buy some dishes that you really like.

Mantra: I eat with pleasure and I am happy with what I have on my plate.

8 – Work on your sweet tooth

Do you like sweets and suffer because you can’t eat them?

Luca Piretta (SISA), our nutritionist, reminds you that it’s important to treat yourself to a sweet once in a while to gratify yourself. So look at the recipes of our light desserts and, from time to time, reward yourself!

Mantra: today I offer myself a sweet that I will taste to reward myself.

9 – Work on the sense of responsibility

Did you cheat? No one will punish you! Take note of it and continue the diet guilt-free.

Mantra: I made a mistake but I want to get up and start again.

10 – Work on negative thoughts

You control your brain and not the other way around! When you are attacked by negative thoughts or great stress, before venting on food, close your eyes, take a break and BREATHE!

Mantra (to be repeated with eyes closed): I feel pervaded by a light that warms me and gives me serenity.

About author

My name is Angela Cannovale, I really enjoy helping people find happiness and feel good about themselves. I think that feeling good is important because it helps you do well in life. To me, being healthy is not just about lifting weights. It involves taking care of your body by doing things like stretching, warming up, eating healthy food, and getting enough rest and sleep. I love showing others what their bodies can do with a little bit of effort. My goal is to help you achieve a happy and balanced lifestyle that will keep you healthy in the future.
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